Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. I. Ofèhrill. 285 how a oft doth hee deale with this ? The Difciples of Chrifl were note able to beare many things which he was tovtter vnto them; yet lie paffeth not by thisDo- &tine , When f hee biddeth them toreioycc that their names were written in Heauen: yea,and both thepoints of Eleetion and Reprobation he plainely fetteth forth, 1Glßtth. Zg. 34. and 4i. This will bee yet moreeuident, ifwe call to minde the manifold vie of this Doarine, being the roote of all Pietie , and the Rafe of our com- fort, then the which, none more highly ex.,lteth the glo- tie ofGod in his Mercie and Iuflice,uor throwcth down thepride ofMan more low, as in the proce(le (Chrifi af- filling) more fully (hall appcarc. Wherein, for a better light of that which followeth, it is necefiarie I (hould fir;l define Predeflination. Pre- deflination is one principall branchof Gods purpofe, or cternall Decree, concerning the finali eflate of the moil excellent creatures , Angels and Men : The parts where- of ate , Elc&ion andReprobation : Ekaion , which is of fore certayne ones vnto faluation : of men, but few, rcfpea of thafe tK::t are to perifh. Reprobation, which is of forme certayne ones vivo datnnatio,i. The waight and degreeofboth, afwell of glorie as offhame, toCome in a lefl'c, to forme in a greater meafure. Toexplains this a little better, God, whoonely is e- ternal), the Father, Sonne, and holy Spirit, purpofingbe- fore all times the glorifyingof hirnfelfe,as is mofi meet, and the declaration of thofe wonderfull things that are in him, whichbynoother way then this could be made knowne, appointed firfl, befide the fettingforth of his Power,Patience,hatredof finne,loue ofRightcoufneffe, and other vertues , tomanifefl the riches of his Mercie in certayne both Angels and Men , knowne unto him- felfe who fhould be faued; and in likefort,the greatneffe of his Iuflice in certayne , both Angels and Mean tobee T a con- d Derst.4.37. & 738,9, 1 o, t4. & 73.5. e John i 6. a z. f !.ldke 10.24.