Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

386 ThefccondBookeof Ditdinitie, CM A P. I, condemned : wherein in looking to nothing elfe either prefent or to cone, within vs or without vs , in Heaueti or in Earth , but to hirnf°lfe alone , hee chofe vs cf his free good-will andpleafure.Aftcr which(for men them- felues, the All-wifeGod much more , aduife ofnothing but they let the end before them, and fir(} the end, then the meanes concurring to ir.) After this rherefore,iuor- del of she caufes , not in courfe cftime (all his purpofes beingftom etcrnicic,and none beforeor after other) hee purpofed to create them bothHoly and Righteous like veto himfelfe, who halting free-will to imbrace either good or euill}and a nature fubi,& to ten'.ptacion,fhould of their owne accord voluntarily fall away,therebyfub. ieetingthernfelues to his wrath and indignation. Fitt}, of the Angels, thole onelyappointed to del}rum lion, whom hee neuer would repaire. The ten hec did decree to elablifhby his Grace that they might not lofe their handing , but abide fall for euer in that into . Eritie which at the fish he gaue-them. TouchingMankinde, \n ho were tAholly to fall in A dam, for thofe whom he did feleet and feparate tobe fay ued by hisMercie,hepurpt±fed in the loue hebare them, not to (pare his owne onely Sonne , the Sonne of his Loue molt Beare unto him, but to fend him into the World, to take vpon him our flefh : In whom adopting vs for his formes being by Faith engrafted intohim, and made one together with him, hee would in his good timebeflow free y, throughGrace, Wifedere , Righ- tcoufi,effe Saki ?fication, and Redemption. The red he did decree to leLuc in their (nines , and deferuedly to harden: and fo t' ci.r deflruciion to come from thew- feint! ; the others Saluation from him and from his Mercie. So haue you in generall hate as it were, the proie& of this Docîrine, But