Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

288 The fecund Bootie ofDiuinitie, Cx A p. i. leth the Ievees , that by the determinate counfell and fore.. knowledge ofGod, they had_Pine andcrucified Chrifi : then the which there was neuer afouler deed, nor more hate.. full to God , committedvpon the Earth , heedoth put; pofcly make choice of this word to (hew that God not anely decreed this A&ion (fo foule anddetefiable in the Iewes) which determinate counfell noteth : But how- foeuer in Wag and the lewes, hce hated it , yet as it was the meanes of redeeming of theWorld, hee lowed and imbraced it : and therefore faith, He oat delivered orgi> :ten vp of Godunto them inhis fpeciall grace and good- neffe.. Thefe three words therefore, Purpofe, Prederlina tion, and P'refeience or Fore- knowledge , are euery one more_fpeciall thenother : for, Rom. 8. 29. which may feeme to make Predefünation fubordinate to Fore- knowledge , fpeaketh not of Predeflination vnto Life, which in regard of vs is the extreme and end; but of Predefiination tobee adopted inChrifi, that is, of Pre- deflination toone fubordinate rneanes, as we (hall heare anon. Thewords beingcleered , let vsnow open the parti. cularDoctrines that arife ; wherein I (hall not need to meddle with theAngels, hauing fpokenof them in the former Booke. Firf+, That there is a Thole which teach that God bath Predeflinate decree and not from euerlaibng purpofed any appointment of G o D fuchDecree, but that itlyeth in the both vnto life andunto hands of euery one to purcha`ee vn- tohim:elfe Life if hewillbeleeue; p or death, ifbe lye in inne. and to glorie, wherein Thofewhichhoid, that Godbath all men are not chafen predeftinated all vntofa1uation, but to lifc,nor all nc orda d the vnfaithfulneffe of many to bee y the caufe, that God either cannot vntodeath,but force to effea that which hepurpofed, or ale theone,and force to the terethhis counlell. other.. lip 4U 1344. g They bcleeued, (faith the holyGhof) as many as were