Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. I. ofChri. 289 were ordayned to life. This is that Booke of Lifefo oft fpokenof in the Scripture. The h Bookeof I E H O V AH, to bee i writtenamongfl the inft, and in the k writingof the Heufe ofIfrael. Againe, of theReprobate, Rade t faith which were beforeappointed to this damnation. And m PE T E R For whom damnationfnceof old lingreth not , and their define. Riondothnot 'lumber. n PA v L to theTheffalonians corn. prehendeth both : for when hec incourageth them by this Argument, that God hadnot appointed themforwrath, but to the pmrchafsng offaluation through lefier Chrifi, he manifef}lynoteth force ordayned to Saluation, other to def}ru6tion, as many as come not to haue their part in Chris}. But that to the Romanes is more manifef} , Hath not thePotter power ouer the Clay,ofthe fameLampe to make one Veffed for Honour , andanother to difbonoter ? efindwhat if God, willing toJhew forth hie wrath , and to weak! kyowne his Power, bath borne with tench long fife- ring the veffels ofwrathframed for deftrsacetion, and that be might make k towne the richesof his Glorie upon the refell ofMercie, which he bath before ordayneduntoGlorie. Behold, how he talleth them here, the one Vefels to Honour, Vefels of Mercie, prepared untoGlorie ; the other, veffels to difhonour, vetels ofwrath,framed for deftruEtien: which (elfe-fame phrafe Veffels of Honour , and tofhame, or difhonour, he keepeth alto in the Epiflle to P Timothie: Now in a great hotefe there are not one) veffels ofgold, and veld" offiluer, but of wood alfo, andof earth, and force verily for Honour, forcefor difbononr. This (hall yet further appeare if wce caf} our eye unto thofe meaner, whereby this predeflinate Decree of Cod is brought unto cffe6t : for Pith it is manifea, that force beleeue the Gofpell, and teflifie the fame by the fruitsof their con. uerfation, other are obilirtate and flubborne, and giuen vp to their Iuf }s , blinded with infidelitie andhardneffe of hcart;thercofwe may conclude,that Ionic are ordai- T 4 tied h Ex.3r.31,33 i Pfal.69.z8. k Evcb.13.9. I Jude 4. m 2.P'et,1.3. n t,Thefs.g. o Rom9301,a2. p