Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

290, The pond BookeofDiuinitie,. CH A p. r. tied vnto life , other vnto deífruaion. g 2.7bcf2.3. Notable alto to this purport., is that vnto the q Thef- plosion , The corrtming of e4ntichrifl ¡ball bee with all power to them that are to persfh: best weought alwayes toghee than to God, who bath chofen vs to falhsation, andcalledvs by the preachingof the go.nll: where there two forts are manife(lly diffit guifhed : as alto, John 17.19. I pray not for thewarld,but for thofe whom thou hailgivenmsout ofthe World. Thevery fcope of the Apoffles difputation, Rom. 9. 22. dtiueth hereunto in the perfon of Ifmael and of Ifack, children, one of thefief, the other of the promise. And againe, in /Pick! two íonnes, one lcued , the other hated; to fet before vs the generall fate of all Man-. kinde : yea, God bath not-onely predeffinatedmen to ioy or to paine, but to the meafure of it more or lefl'e according-as there bedegrees both ofglorie and of pu- nifhmenr. Matth.2o..23.. upon the requeff of the forrnes of Zebedie, our Sauiour Chriff granting a difference of Glorie,faith, It (hallbe theirsfor whomit ieprepared of hit i-Jude Ver.4. Father. And of theReprobate, the place in Iv D E r is mange!? : Which longagoe wereappointed to this damnation. In faying this, bee noteth not a common, but a rare,and as it were,anextraordinarie damnation: for fo I refer the wordDamnation, tothe end, afwellas to the meanes; to the judgement it Ielfe, as to the finne and difobedience, which was the caufe of it. The truth hereof is euident in halm the Traitor, of WE; r. If. whom f Peter faith, that he turned ¡fide from the lot of hisMinificrie, whereunto Chrift had called him , to gee veto bis ewne place. In the words,his owns, he noteth his proper degree of punishment , and calling it. , his place, fheweth that it was referued for him , and alotted from Eternitie. Secondly, Euery particular person is thus predeffi- nate: So as both thenumber how many,and thepersons who they bee, are before all Eternitie moff certainly known