Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.I. O,fChYat. 291 lcrowne to God. Therefore our t, Sauiour faith , Their t Luke; 0.20. names are written in Heasren. And in tt I o H N , A goad u Iohn Sbepheardcalleth hisJheepe byname. And hither belongeth that in x T i tvt o T H I E, The foundation remayneth f rme, i z.Tie.:.rg. harzing, thisfeale God k_noweth who are his. Agreeably whereunto, our Sauiour Chrii} faith, .y 1 ktow whom I y lot z r348. hawse chofn. This number of Gods Elea}, in comparifon of tae Reprobate , is but final! : for, z (Many arecalled,bnt few z Matt,zo, r c. $ re cho,Ien. If but few euen of thofe that haue anout- ward calling : how much more few, if you confider the ref} of the World betide ? And this may teach vs the rather toadmire Gods goodneffe to our felues, as Na- ture and Reafon doe inllruél vs, to fet more. by that which is common but with a few.. The Paplas teach,rhatthofe,who Thirdly, The caufeof God fore-taw would willingly be- this difference, is the lecuc the Gofpel,& do goodworks, free-will and pleafurc of thembee chofe, thoughnot by rea- God without any rna. 1òn of their workes but freely of tine to it but in and of his Grace ; yet fo, as hehad refpec2 to the good things would bee in himfelfe : Which the them. Wherby theymake Gods free name of Predeaination ele&ion, in force fort to haue his fpeaketh, that the Will cau.e inman and in his goodneffe, and Decree of God , hichin truth is but an effl cotn- ming from that Eleion, not in timeonely,bur in the very order and na- tureof caufes, is ftrf}, and before all other things. And the Apotile faith plainly a Bee worketh all things after a Epbef1.11. thecennfell of kit ,,. l/. God therefore notw ithilanding any thing that hath been faid,is no Refpeerer ofperfons, nor moouedby any qualitie that is in man , but by his oWne frce_w}ll. No fore knowledgeof Faith,orinfide- litie, good or euill works, were the'caufe of this De- cree ; for they are, but b confquences that follow and . b Epbef. 4 depend vpon it but all here is free the roote it felfe Titns a.rz. and all the branches. Eleaion free : therefore the Apo_ f}le