Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

292 c Kom.Ii.S. d z.Tim.1.9. e Phil.i.z9. f Rom.32.4. g Evch.36.37. h Titus 3S. qom.6.L3. Dakeiz.3i ä Ephef.i.6. k Rom.9.18. The fecondBaoke ofDiuinitie, CHAR , r. [Ile calleth it c The eletlion of Grace. a Calling free : e We beleeue freely through Grace. Are f freely iut}i- fied through Faith. Our g SanEification free , and he- ternall life , the free gift of God , through Iefus Chritl. Elution therefore commeth from the onely will and pleafure of God : for aboue this, or out ofthis, it is im- pietie for to goe. Therefore the Apoflle wrappethvp all in finne : Hee i chofe vs in bipsfelfe according to the fret pleafure ofhis will. And the foie andonely caufe bothof Elution and Reprobation, of one, rather then another, is his owne good will and pleafure, forcaufes vrrknown to vs;but yet mot}holy,and iuf},and righteous in them- felues.So he faith to theRmans,k hornhe will,hepittieth, andwhom he will,hehardneth.Exemplifyingboth theparts of this diuifionby twomolt fingular and famous exam- ples, one in the familie of e4brahan who hauing two fonnes,lfack and Ifmael, Ifack, onely was accounted for his Seed, and that by Gods owne appointment,tomake it appe are that the fountaine ofPredcflination is the plea- fure ofGod,not the goodneffeofman.The other of two Twins in the familie of lfack,laco6 and Efau,both borne ofthe fame Father, of the fame Mother, and at the fame conception; whereas neuerthelefhe onely Jacob was che- fen,Efau reie6ted,and that before their birth; that nei- ther any good thing in Jacob, could bee the caufe of the choofing of him, nor any wickedneffe in Effar, of his reie1ing, but the onely Will and pleafureof God for if men were not more brutifh then the beafis themfelues, their owne fence would teach them, that fence the Will of' God is God himfelfe ; a higher and a further reafon then hisowne Will cannot be fought for vnlcffe there were force higher then hee to goc veto. And when Chrit} himfelfe, the Wifedotne of God , retteth in this reafon, Ewen tfo, OFather, becatsfefo it thy goodpleafure: why fhould we wretches enquire any further ?Worthily therefore doth the Apofile there couclude, m, ghat if god, 11 Matta'. 16. sc Ra1t49,z2,3t3