Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.I. OfChrijI. CÇ. od, willing to fhewforth wrath, &c, haueffered the vef- ehofwrath framed to deftrAEtion, and to make kTowne the richer ofhi' Glorievpon the Vefels of Mercie , which hee bath before prepared vnto Glorie ? As if hee should fay, What halt thou, Oman, todoe with it , if Bach bee his pleafure ? But if curled men will needes ranfacke the fecretsof the bielied Cod, and inquire a reafon of his molt holy Counfels, let them heáre how the Apofile n anfwereth n Rom.ç.i4,r r, thefe Cauillers, cleering the Lords lutlice; Firti, in re- 16,17, 1x, 19v. Bard ofthe fubordinate meares which hee hith appoin 1O' 21, zz, 13. ted, to bring thole his Counfels to patle namely, to- wards the Elea, tAtercy comprehending an effe&uell, Calling through Faith,whereby they attaineRighteouf- neffe and San&ification : vnto theReprobate hardening, the fruits whereof are Increduli tie and Sinne, the pro. per and immediate caufes of their Damnation : fo that no waycan the Lord be accufed as vnrighteous, either in fauing the Elea , vpon whom hee firs} befioweth Faith and Holineffe cf life; or in'defiroying theRepro bate,whofe incredulitie and (true cloth come betweene. And ifhe thoulddeale with all men fo,who could corn- plaine of wrong ? Againe, if you looke to theend ofGods courlfels, i11 . the damnationof the wicked, the Apofile faith, it is not abfolutely and limply their defiruetion; as ifGod were like an vnmercifull and a cruell hard-hearted Tyrant , that taketh pleafure in other mens ruines : but it is (as hee fetteth out in the example of PHAR A o H) to fbew forth bid Power , and to bava hirXatnepublijheel in all the Earth, makinghis Glorie to thine in their deferuedpu- nithment , whilet1 thereby hee doth declare himfelfe an Eneinie, and Reuenger of finne, Mightie in the execu. tionof his Iudgements, \Vonderfull in the riches of his Mercie towards theElea;as one contrarie doth let forth another.. 293