Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. I. ofChrift 295 pearanceofctrrStour lef,a Chrif : Therefore it is called Predei inition; as ifyou would fay ,Thefore determinate Corrn(ell ofGod.1Nhen before ? Euen before all ages. So `Pant ià i rh, q Whom bee baih before prepared v;t oglorit , 9 RC7y, 9.i And r Inde added), that the Reprobateare before of old r lade t erf, 4, errer1 f ingly ordaped to damnation. f (P E T F R alfo,that f 2.Pet.2,3. Damnation face ofold expeEfethfor them. So then, our Eled}ion being fromEternitie is certaine and immutable , fo as none of theEleút can euer corne to perifh, no more then a Reprobatecan euer come to bee faued ; the Decrees The Papilas make Gods Prede- of God being all vn- íainacion t,utable, changeable, as he him- felfe is. So doth Paul firengthen the t ephefsan8 in the t E114:7.a, affurance of Gods lout towÑrdsthem , in that being e- ternijl,it was not fubieh to any change : T''hohash cho- fenva (faith he) before thefoundation oftheworld. This Do&rine is plentifully laid downe in the Sctip. tune, comfortable is the place , u Before they had done u Rom,9.1:, good or twill (that the pusrpofe ofGod might remays+efirme) according to the eleElion, not by wome!, but by grace it wad plotThe elderJhould ferne theyonger. As many wores, fo many Arguments for the vnchangeable hold of our Ele- &}ion ; firfI , becaufe it was the Decree and Purpole of Whom ? Of God, particularly made of Jacob and Efan. For what caufe ? Not ofworker, but ofhie ew ne grace. Therefore doth theLord,after a molt wife &wonderlull manner; cauf. all things to f 11 out unto the heft to tliofe that loue God,whicharecalled according tohispurpofe: by affil &ions,and by dicers letskepeth them from fia- ning, and after finnes committed , draweth them home againe So he faith in X Hofhea of Lis Spo:ife whichpur_ poled to foliow afi er idolatrie , Hee swonld hedgeber way with Thornes,thatfhei6oul:l snot bring herdefrre tc' pie,a»d by that meaner wor+1d bring her toRepentance, that volunta_ ri) the fhestld fy, l will geean4 retorne votemy fo, mer hest- -.