Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

296 7óte fecondBooke ofDiuinitie, CH A P. I. band. And theta bee faith , Hee will recel, e her hemeveto hinofelfe. Lo, the certaintie of the Saluationof GodsE- k&, through thole certaine meattes and remedies,wher_ by they are led forward into Saluation, not violently compelled , but by the fweet itlflin6 of Gods Spirit returning willingly to the Lord ; whereas contrariwife, veto the Reprobate all things fettle for the hardening of their hearts. To conclude , particularly of Eleonit is laid, 74 y Y foundatios of God rein»!peas firme, haHing thinfeale, T'he Lord kuoweth who are bis. Why Both bee let a Seale and a Badge vpon it, but todole it vp firme and immutable veto theDay of Iudgemcnt ? Againe, The % graces of a ter. ;i.3. Godare without Repentance : So as a thole whombee ¡south, rotin Y 3.r, bee lonetb to the end. And our Sauiour faith , b Of chefs b Iefin I7' whom doom be giteen unto mea, noneperifji, but I will rains himvp. So, Rom.11.29 theApofile taketh this fatñe,as a moll Eure principle, whereupon to build the whole truth of the rcft of the Do&rive : for , to prooue that the Lord had not generallyreic6 ed his ownspeople,the whole Nations of the fewes, bee rclyethvpon this, as a rnofl ílrong reafon among the refs , That it is nor peflì- ble that God fhould change his minds , to rev'& thole t R, .ri,s, whom he once bath chofen. e God bath not (faith hee) eafl offhis people whom heknewbefore, predeflinating and Remo 1.18,29 appointing them to life : And afterwards a concludeth, that God bathmercy in flore for them, which once were the people of God; becatffe the callingandgam. ofGodare without Repentanee;Whereinalthough the i poile fpeake of the Iewcs in general], not of the fingular perlons , yet the ground which hee taketh , is vniuerfall , and pro- perly belongeth to this wehaue in hand. And therefore Rem.s,36. in this confident affurance Both c Paul crie out , who I Luke 12..31, ,dill feparate vsfrom t he loge of Cbrifl ? And our f Sauiour biddeth hie little Floue (the whole Church and euery Member of ¡Ono tofeare; besantfe (faith he) it loathplea. fed