Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

ofChrifl. 2iÌ fedjotar Father toginevie*you a Kingdome. And g againe, g altt.14.7.4, that notwithflanding all the falfc chrifis and falte proa plaets that thall arife , all the fgnes and wonders that they fhall Phew, yet it is not poflible the Elc& lhould be decei!aed. This is tovs the foundation of all our comfort , that ourElc6tion being ,rounded vpon this brazen Hill of Gods etcrnall loue, can neuer be fhaken,but remayneth fail for euer. If it flood inour felues to bee the caufeof our owne,either faluation or damnation, wee fhould all vndoubtedlyperifh. Now, that it wholly and alone re.. fleth inGod , who is moll rni ghtie to bringhis counfcis to paffe , notwitht}anding all refif}antes; wee haue a matter offirmecomfort,that invaine dothSatan labour, in vaine doth theWorld rage,and our ovvne corruptions rife vp againfl vs:forhe to whomwe are giuen to keepe, is fironger then all, whowill keepe vs to that Day. For this caufe , Chrifl is not content to fay , k I bane chofsst h Idol r1.16`, you : but addeth alto , 2u haue not chofenmes ::hewing that herein indeed our comfort f}andeth, that God, vvhofe Counfels are vnchangeable,hath fir(} eluted vs. Againll this Doótrine , in vaine doe men obie& that which is laid' concerning the $ooke of Life, ont of which i Mofe: defireth to be blotted out and, k Pau/ i Exod 3 .3 tobe an accurfed : and Chi if} promifeth, 1 I will not blot k. Rom,g.3o. out his Name ont of the Tooke of Life : for thefpeech of "sel"3' our SauiourChrif} tendeth nor to fhew,that any,whofe name is once genealoged inthis Iiooke,may bee blotted out ; but it is a phrafe taken from themanner ofmen, as where Repentance , Anger, and fuch like are attributed untoGod. As for the exampleof Tau/ and Motet, wee are not to elleeme that holy Affeaion peculiar vuto them, thoughthey had it in a more abundant meafure, but a common dutic of all Chrif}ians to bee followed,' towhom the Glorie of God ought to bee dearer then the Saluationof their foules .; They therefore in a mat- . tt,