Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

298 The fécondBooke ofDiuinitie, CH A P. I. ter fo nightyconcerning theGlorie of God, and the sal_ uationof many Souks , as it wereforgetting , and rape beyond themfelues, wifhed to bee aceurfed and blotted out of the Booke of Life ;- or which is all one ; to bee Cats-awayes, and damned Creatures , to faue ( as they thought ) the glorie of God. Not but that they knw the fame was impossible ; but carriedwith zeale , they did, as it v< ere,f©r et it. SoChriflprayed that the Cup might paffe from him ; yet hee knew full well it was im® poflïble. And this vehetnencie of fpirit often.r.imes ap_ Feared) not onely infpeeches which are fudden , but in writing, which is more deliberate. Al.hough conditio- núlly as I laid, this ought tobee the flayed affc&ionof vs all, that if it were r:oflib;e, Cods glorie could bee put in ballance with the loffe ofour foules , their failing muff be thought but light, that he may hauepraife. Now, if any manshall thinke this tobee a Doérine to Gods Children ,of Securitie;becaufe howl euer they live, it is impoflible they fhould perìfh ; and to thewic- ked of dcfpaire ; bccaufe whatioeuer they doe,they can neuer come to bee faued , whereby all good indeuours should be in vaine ; he miilaketh the matter; the cafe is farce another : For noDo&rive more then this awake. neth mans fecuritie, none more arnazeth the diflolute andcareldle Liuer,fince Faith and Sanettificatiotì be or.. elayned for thofe that arc themfelues ordayned vnto Glorie, and none can be allured he is ele ,but he that is assured he walkes in faith and newnefie of life.. Contrariwife , this Do&rine feructh not to throw a- ny man into delpaire: for none is fo wicked, nor finneth fo gricuonfly, towhomGod offeretb not Graee, ifwith an vufayned heart bee fcekc it. And if thou fay it is im- poffi ,le to fecke,where the Lord hathonce reieéled:yet thou muff remember that Cods Counfcls are knowne vetohimfelfe, and hebath not communicated the feere- cies of Reprobation fo plentifully, as hee hash of Ele_