Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. Y. of Chrift. a9g Eleaion ; conídering that there is no certayne noteof Reprobation, either to a mans felfe or others, faue onely That one fnne againft the holy Ghoft , which layeth hold but vpon a few. And the rcafon is plaine and ma- nifefl:for he that to day is ob(tinate andfroward,an ene- mie toGod and to all goodncffe,to morrowmaybe al- tered : and fo longas thislife continueth , fo long there is a fpace left for repentance: many are called atthe ele- uenth honre, at the windingand (huttingvp of theday, in the l aft as of their life. And fo was the m Thiefe vp- m LuTt.23.40ä on theCroffe. And our n Sauiour telleth vs , that Pub. n Matt.u.;e, licans and Harlots, vile and defpifedperfons,oftentimes enter into the Kingdomc of Heauen, before many that carry a fairer fhew : Thououghteft therefore , vfing the meones, and fetting (till at the feete ofChrif},to efteeme God faithfull, that whenheoffereth thee grace, he mea- neth it for thy good ; and that howfoeuer now thou feele no workingof it, yet the moments of time are in his hands, whocalleth how and when he vN ill, and Bill to hauecomfort, and neuer to defpaire. Fiftly, as Predeflination is either to Life or Death : and gïuenvn. fo it is to thofe fubordinate things , whereby God bath to bins purpofed to bring his determinate Counfell to paf e, both in the EleaandReprobate. And thofe are : To the Elea, an appointment of Chrift to be their Mediator,and ofthem to be in Chrift, which in Gods good time commeth to bee wrought by aneffeauall calling, through Faith in him ; that being iufuified and fanaified by his Spirit, theymay fo in the end be glorified. To theReprobate, hardneffe of heart, not to belecuc the Gofpell that fo they might lye in their fumes with- out repentance Viitill the wrath of God come vpon them to thevttermoft. Touching the former , the Apofile inone o fentence o Rom,ß.af,30. bath all the linkes of that golden Chaise : for whewbee V forma