Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

300 fore. knew, and chofe vnto life , (which is Eledlion) them alfa hie predeiirsated to bee conformed to the Image of his iosane,tbat he might be thefart- borne amongmartybrethren. (Here is theHI flep :) as ifthe Apoftle fhould fay , For them he purpofed thathis Sonne fhould die, that Chrift might be their Head,and they,through.l1im,theadopted p iohnó37. f©nresofGod,and whom he predeftmnate,thUs to beehis q lohn'7'3 fa.nnes,and that his Sonne fhotild be theirs, them hee alfo This is eme,la- Ballad effeE}ually to beleeue in him (which is the fecond not e, to nosrthee the í}cp:)andwhomhecal led,thexnhealjmsHifífird ,or mac righ... trxeGod, and teous through Chriít :fromwhence doth proceed (as an whom that's bag e{fe& from the caufe) San&ificat ion or holineffe of life, fnt,leftschrifl. the third and the fourth í}Bps:) andwhom he iuflificd, The perfeft diftribution and made righteous in Chrifl , them hee alto glorified, of all Diuini- tohich is the end and laft flee of all. Our P Sauiour (as tie,Matt.22.38, be is ti wont in all his Do&tines) fhortly reduceth them 39,40. He diui- `,nto two : giteing vnto Chrift,andcomming unto him. But deththe.ten_ Commande to fpeake of all thefe things apart. ments into the The firft and the fundamental) ground of all vnto the firft & fecond Ele¿},hi dden in theferret counfell ofGod,is Chriít him- Table,andthe felfe, rfore-kepreneor redeflinated, and f f aineforv.t in tore then crip- ex- p wholeSri his eternal' ur fe, before the foundation ofthe World was tant, that is to laid : and wee in like fort t ele6f in him. , that is, that fay,theoldTc- being by Faithvnited veto Chrifl, wee might bee faued itament, into by the merit ofhis death and fufferings :And againe,u pre- the Law and deginate to bee the adoptedSonnes of God, 4 lefies arsfl. theProphets, Mat112.6. 23. This is that our Sauiour faith,loh. t 7.6. I. hawman,felted Seeke firfl the m) Name to the men whomthou hail linen mee ©rtt of the lciagdomof God World: for that by gieting,hee Both not meane the mani- and his f ighte- fellationofhis Ele6lion by an effeetuall calling through ottifneQe: where Faith in Chrifl, but the verypurpofe cf God to adopt he lecmeth to abreuiate the vs in him, appeareth, Ioh.6.36. All that my. Fathergiuet-b LordsPrayer. me, fball come vntome. Where he cloth manifeflly di in- r t.Pet.r..c. guifh betty cene thefe two , makiug Gods giuingveto C ReuL1.t 3 6 Chriít the caufewhy in their time they come vnto him t Epheft.;. r Ephef=.s. Ch;ift therefore as Mediator , nor any thing that God The.fecondEvoke ofDiuirlitie, . C1-1 A P. I,