Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. I. Of Chr0. 301 forefpc&s in him , is not the ftrfl caufe ofthis E1e&, bwt onely afubordinate meancs vnto it; vnlcffe ( which were abfurd) a man will fay that the difeafe is not in nature to be thought of, before the remedie ; nor the fall , be fore the rneanes of railing vp againe : Our Sauiour Chrifl himfelfe for this may be our warrant, lohn iß.6. where hafting fai d, I bane manifeffed thywaive to the men whom thenbailgiuenme,out of the iPerld,that they íhould be adopted in and through me. By and by he rifethvp a degree higher, Thine they were-in thine cuerlafling purpofe,for caufes onely knowne vnto thy Idle, higher and aboneany confederation or refpedt t,f meewritten unto life : and then ( keeping the refped}of order and not of time) Thou gaue.ft themvntome. The Apoflle like. wife to the R Ephefians;íhewing we are elect} in Chrill,in the verie next words loth explaine ir, to bee meant of predeftinating to adoption through Chrif in himfelfe: that is, onely for caufes refling inGod himfelfe,not in Chrifl as he is a Mediator. This is it which(as we haue heard) the Apof?le teach.. eth in the Epiffle to the ?®manes, Y Whom hee did fore.. know (or predeflinate vnto life ) them heedidpredefitinate to be conformed to the Image of his Sonne ; What is that ? Verily,the faine ( albeit the Apofile fpecially apply it to affliEtions ) which wee heard before of giuing veto Chrifl : and fo the words following doe import , That bee might be thefirft borne amongmany brethren : through whom,by faith,which is the next degree, and firfl mani.. fellationof this counfell,being incorporate intohirm,and made one together with him , wee obtaine Rightcouf_ nefle and San&ification, which are the immediate tiers whereby we afcend toglorie. Now that men are predeflinate vnto both thefe, it is verie plaine : for fo the Apoflle telleth thez ThePonians, that God had chofen them to Saluatïon, throughfanilif.. cationofthe Spirit,and theFaith ofTrereh. Ofkaiéh pares V z ticu- x Æefi4, y Rotn.8.2,9,1o. z z;l'hef,z.raa