Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

302 iobn 8.47. b lisi3.g8. c Titus i, i. thefecundBooke ofDiuini:ie, C}I A P. i , ticularly our a Sauiour faith nee that is of God, bearetb the FordofClod :you therefore doe not heare,becAufeyouare not ofGod. So it is in the e/1Eis, b They btloeued, ar ma- ny as mere ordained vnto life. And for this caufefaith is faid to be c proper to Gods Elect. Concerning San5ification oflife,and the fruits there- of, the place is very euident, Ephef.2.1o. Thee are created in ChriJt togoodworker , which Godhath before prepared, that we íheuldwalks in them, Ephsf. 1.4. Hee bath chofen vs to be vnblameable and undefiledbefore him in lone. And loh.i 5.16. 1 ha_uechafenyou, &c, that you might bring forthfruit. Heere is the comfort of the Saints of God, who la- bour to walke as new creatures,that they haue the fame as a moil certaine Badge and Marke of their Ele&ion. z,Pet, x,Io. Whereto the exhortationof e Peter tendeth , willing vs to make our Elefion fore by our good worker. This vfe the Apoftle teacheth, Rom. 9.24.&c. when hauing eflabli- fhed theDoErine it felfe,to the end we(hould not feeke the teftirnonie of it in the fecret coui;fcll of God, but by the calling which is let forth and made manifeff in the Church, hee layeth before vs the example of the Iewes andGentiles , not of euerieone , but of fo many as by faith apprehended the outward calling, and thereby made it effemuall to themfclues : That bee might make k,.nowne the riches ofhis glorie vpon the j'effels ofbid Mercie, which hee bath before prepared vnto glorie, cuen vs `faith he) whom be loath called, not of the lewd' onely, but alfo of the Gentiles. And who thole Cal'ed ones be of the Iewes and Gentiles, he tcllcth vs,Ve;fe 3-o. As many as haste at- :aimed to the righteoufnefe of Faith. So in the tenth Chapter,by anexcellent gradation he teacheth hovs-,anei which way wee clirnbevp to the confederationof this vvonderfull hiddenmyflerie , lhewingthat true inuoca- tion and calling vponGods Name (or a found and fyn- cere profe(fon-of the truth, whereof bee had fpoken, rerf,