Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F. T. Of chrí;fg. 303 Verfe9.7 o.) is a teíiirnonie of true Faith ; true Faith, of a truc and found Calling by the Miniflerieof theWord, and that , an vndoubted argument of our E1c&ion to be faued : cWhofoeuer/hall callvpon the Nameofthe Lord, e,z3, {hall bee fasted: but howcall they call a pon him, of whom 14, I. they haue not heard ? and bow /hall they 'mare, without a Preacher ? This is the meanes, whereby we maymoff Purely and infallibly perfwade our foules , that we are ofthe nutn- ber of GodsElc&, and thofe that undoubtedly (hall be failed ; for whichwee{hall not need to flye toVifi- ons and Reuelations , God himfelfe in his Word bath tracked the path for vs, Otherwif,our Saviour f would f Lttke x-o neuer v i lvs to reioyee, that our nattier arewritten in Hest_ men, vnleffe we had ccrtaine rules to be affuted of it. A- gaine, that God hath appointed to deflitute the Repro- bate of his Grace, and leaning them in their finnes, to bring them toperdition, is cuident by PET E R, S that g x,Pet.a.8. thofe whichHumble at the Word, and are difobedient were ordaynedtbereunto. And Atíe'27.28. it is laid, H E R o n and P i L ATE,with the iVations,and people of Ifrael,came together to doe whatfoeuer the hand and counfell of God had fore-determined to bee done: that is , to condemne Iefu,. And, Lkke 2.34. Cériß isfetfor thefall and riling of ma ny, and for a marke to beegaine_/aid. For this caufe God fendeth the Miniflerie of his V:rord tofome, and from fome he dothwith -hold it. Paul was forbidden by the holyGhoft to freak the Wordof God in tAf:a, in Bi. thynia,&c. Contrarivv ife he was commanded to preach in c 53 acedonia, at Corinth, &c. And why ? h Becaufe, h 4asx8.ta. faith the holyGhoff,1 hauemuch eleEpeople there. Ar,aine, in thofe that heare; of f ome, hem toucheth their hearts, and °penet h their vnderflanding; of ocher fome, he davvbeth and clofeth vp the eyes, Matt.' x.2s, I give thanker unto thee, OFather , becaufe thou hall hid- den theft things from the wife, andmen of vnderfianding V 3 (mea-