Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

304 7he fecondBooke ofDiuinitie, C H A r. t. (meaning theReprobate) and reuealed thus vnto Babes (thefeare theElca) Luke 8, t o. To you it isgiteen toknow the My(leries of God: but toother in Parables, that feting, they jhould not fee ; and hearing, they "head not vnder. ftand. The Obieaions againt} all this that hitherto hath been fail , are of no value. God (fay force) would haue all men faued, r.Tirn.a.4. andnone to persfh, but all to come to Repentance, a. Pet. 3. 9. AndChrif} is a Propitiation for the fumes ofthe whole World, T.lohn 2.2. But they vnderfand not that thole generali fpeeciies are to bee rcftrayned to the fubiea there in hand : for the Apoftle fheweth in the firft of thofc places, that howfoeuer that bee true, which elfewhere hee teacheth, that not many noble,nor many mightieOnes, not manyofaccount are called to the profeffion of the Gofpell : yet there is no efta.te fohigh or great , nor anyof}ate or fort of menat all, but Godbath his among them ; for whomwee arc to pray, that in his good time hee would vouchfafe to bring them to the knout ledge of the Truth. And fo is this particle All in fundrie places applyed to cucry fort andkind, and namely , Matth.4.23. Where our Sauiour Chrift is laid to haue healed all difeafes, that is, all kind of difeafes. That ofPeter is plainlymeant of theElea alone. And lohn fheweth , that our Sauiour dyed , not fortheNation of the Iewes , or thofe that lined in his time onely , but for all the Eleaof Iesies and Gentiles out ofevery Kndred, Tongue, Nation andPeople , as it is faid , Reuel. 5.9. and of all Ages from the begin- ning of the World. And fo is this place notably ex- pounded, /./on I I. 51, 52. that Iefus was to dye for that Nation , and not for that Nation oney , but that hee might gather into one the Children of God difperfed. According whereunto you mun take the name of World, John i. 29. The Lambe of God , that takfíth away the finne of the World, And , lobs 4.42. This it of a truth that Chrif1 the