Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH AF. I. OfChri. 305 the Sateionr of the World ; and in other fuch like pla- ces. As for that dotage, that Chrifl fhould die for all, ab- folutely and without reflri &ion, it is abfurd : forChriit died not for thern,for whomhe vouchfafeth not topray, nor is a Redeemer , where hee is no Intereeffor. Now he himfelfe faith, heiprayeth net, bee is no Interceffor for all. Therefore we may conclude, bee died not , he is no Redeemer ofall. Nay, the verie difiinetion fo common in the Schooles , betweene the fufficiencie of Chritls death,and the efficiencie.of it ; as though his death , or one drop ofhis blood (as force are not afraid to fpeake ) were fufi cient for the faluation of all , though it effe& not, nor workefaluation vnto all is too light and car- îieth no waight with it, if it be waighed at the Lords Beame : for the fufficiencie of Chrifis death is not to be nicotined by our owne conceit of it, but by the Ordi- nance and Decree of Go D. The (Aie,074t was neuer promiféd but onely to the Church : Therefore hee was neuer deflinated but vnto them alone. To k the refi the feed or children of the Deuill, as bee calleth them, lohn 8.441-1e is the Seed of the woman, to bruife and tread downe their head in perpetual] enmitie and defiance with them nor a °friend to die and fuffer for them, being that wherein hee doth fo much I commend his loue. Chrifi, indeed, gaue an infinite merit to all his A&ions, to theend vv hereunto he purpofed them, and fuffered in waight and meafure a proportionablepunifh- ni.ent for the Redemption of all Gods people. But the Scripture ipeaketh euidently, that m Chriß dyed not, hee fuffered nothing in tiaine, nor more then was of neceffì- tie, for the fauiugofhis Church. And when Prayers and Interccffion which lice offered not for all, are one part cf his Priefl-hood , and confequently of that fuffi- ciencie which it was requifïte hee fhould performe to God-ward for vs, it i3 manifefl that in the Ordinance V 4 and i lehn r'. 9. k Gen.3.x5. 1 Ram. 5.3. m