Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

306 The frondBooke ofDiuinitie, Tofet forth in them the prayfc ofhis Mercie. n Prote.16.4. .,...w..r.,.. CHAP. I. and DecreeofGod,his death,wirhout the fame,had not beetle thorowly fufñcient for the {àuing of the Ele& themfelues , much le% of all the World. And why { hould we imagine a halte fufficiencie wrought for them in his death and fufferirgs , when the other part of his Prayers and Interce{fion, whithout which there is no covnplete norperfe&fufñ. iency at all, cannot be drawne vnto them ? No better is the Dreame of vniuerfall Grace in Chrit ,offered vnto all,and that for the vnbeliefe Which God fore-fawwould be in fome, bee hath decreed to re. ie& them , which befide the Word-ofGod, common fente and experiencedoth control]. ; Pince it is plaine,and ífands prooued before at large that all men are not cal- led,no,not without an outward call. Sixthly,The end ofall is the fetting forth of his Glö rie : fpecially in Ele&ion , to fhew the riches of his Mercie ; in Reprobation, the fèucritie ofhis Iuflice, as the Wife -man faith, n Cad hathmade allfor himfelfe,that is,for his Glorie fake;euen thewickedvnto the dayofmill. The end therefore ofthefe Decrees is not (imply the fa- uing of theone, and the deiiroyingof the other : but a farther and a ferre more excellent and precious end , to tnanifef`I the Glorie of God in them both. His Wife-. dome, Power, Truth, Lenitie, Patience, Lonbfuffe- ring,Hatred of fane, loue of Righteoufne{fe and other Vertues, as hath appeared before out of the ninth to the Romanes : But efpecially his Mercie and IuPtice heere fhinc forth , and carrie away the praife. His wonder- full and fcuere Iuflice,inpuni{hing tranfgrefiion, and in- fli&ing wrath, which end the Apoffle teacheth, Rom. 9. 22. What if Godwilling tofhewwrath, &c ? The riches of his Mercieand Ge:odneffe, in helping out ofmifcrie (in, andof,and by,and for himfelfe)poore filly andwretched man, whomothervvife faluation it (elfe had not beene able for to faue. This