Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. I. OfChrif. This end the Apolile there teacheth plainely, That o he might make knowne the riches of hier Glorie , upon the w f els of mercie, which he bathbeforeprepared vnto glorie. And Ephef. I.5,6. Hee that predcftiinated w to bee hit a- doptedfences, through Iefiu Chrlfl, to thepraireof the glo- rieof hisgrace : That fo noflcfh r night ret9,ce before him ; but euerie q tongue might confefee , that lessee ChriJt is the Lord,to the praise ofgod theFather. To returne to the Couenant mediated by Chris -. Bc- caufe the fame commeth from the onelymerde and fa- uour ofGod in his Sonne , it is called The Couenant of Grace. Here therefore is another Couenant that God hath made NN'ith man , ouer and betide the Couenant of Workes, which hee_made before : ACouenant of ano- ther and a quite differing nature : for Firfl, Itisgroundedvpon the free mercie of God in Chriíí; otherwise it is the Couenant of Workes, where Chrif},or the Grace ofGodin Chris}, wasno part at all ofthe Gouenaut : for there needed then no Mediator, becaufe in the beginning God and man were not at oddes. Secondly,the conditions of these two Couenantsdif- fer : the Law or Couenant of Workes offereth faluati- on,vnder conditionofperfect obedience : The Gofpel or Couenant of Grace, under the condition of faith, that is to fay, If we beleeue in Chrift , v' hobath done it fer vc. Of both these Couenants , the Couenant ofWorkes, and the Couenant ofGrace, leremie r fpeaketh in his one and thirtieth Chapter, and /lard to the f Galatians fhewech, how they were fhadowed by twoWomen, as by two types , that is to fay , by Hagar the bond; and Sara the free-woman :for these women (faith he) are the two Cauea,ants,Youmay fee further touching them both, lr 307 o Rotn.923 p i.Cor.t.19. q This Catie- nantis called theCouenant ofGrace. r Ier.3r.3r. f Ga!q..q.,.