Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

3c$ The f conáHooke ofDiuinitie, Cesar. r t Phil.3.9. t `Phil. '3. u Rom. 9.xRom. to. Y G41. 3. And thrfe two That' might be being the onely meancs , hereby true happineffe may found in h'm bee attained , are fo contrarie one vnto another, that (that is)not ha- uingmine owne Where the one is, the other cannot bee : neither can fal- righteoufraefe, uation come inpart by the one, and inpart by the other. whicbis ofthe Whereupon the Apoflle vfeth to difpute, that wee arc Law,but that iuflified by Workes onely,or by Faith alone. This is the which is through femme of his whole Aroument in the three firf} Chap- the faith of L - Chr,ft,euenthe ters ofthe Epiale to theRomanes: Either we are iufliñed righteouf,eefe by Workes or by Faith. But not by Workes, neither which is ofGod, of the Lawof Nature , nor ofthe Morali Law, neither throuâhChrifi. Gentile , which is without the Law written, nor Iew ,t3;9that which hash it. Therefore by Faith. So he faith,gdl.3.t y. fhal we fay then, Forif the inheritRnce be by theLaw, then it it not anymore that the Gen- byprornife, making it impofiìble and abfurd , that both tiles,whichf,l fhould concurre together in the 061 of Iuflification. lowed not nigh- That wee might be the more in loue with theCoue- teouftefJê,h.ue b attained s,nto pant ofGrace,it is glorioufly commended and fet forth righ.eoufnefJe, aboue theother Couenant many waycs. earn th:righte- Firf}, by the excellencie ofthe matter, as i).; before eurne fe trhic i is offaith ? But declared. Ifaelw' ichfol- Then, by the nature of the thing , being an z euerla- lcwed the Law flingCouenant, fafe and fure,that ncucr can bo altered, offighteouf es, firmely fixed in his Sonne, than the Sun and the Moone coudnotattaine f are ñxed in theHcauens. vnto the Law o nighteeu¡nef f'e. Where f re ? Becaufe they fought it not by Faith bat as it were by the Werkes of the Lat,. x Rem. to. 3, 4, c, 6,7. For they being ignorant of the rigbte- oufneeofGod, and gongabout to eß.eblifb their owne righteoufneffe, haue not fubmitted themfelues to the righteoufnofeofGod :for Chrifi is the end of the Iaw for righteoufnef"e to emeryone`thatbe'eeueth: for Moles lbwdefèribeththe righteoufnrffe which isofth?Law, that the man which loth th:fe things fhall hue thereby. But the righteournelfewhich is of Faith fpeaketh on this w,fe : Sal, not in thine heart, Who fhall afcend into Heauen ?That is, tobr'n Chriif f ornabnu'. Or, Fhofhaffgoedowne into thedare ?Tbat is, tobringvpChrifi from the d - ad. y,12.. That noman is iu(l ifled by the Law in thefight ofGod, it is euident : For the iu(ifhall !iue by Faith. Now the Lawis not ofFaith, but theman that doth thefe things,¡Loll lice by 114 m. z Efay q S. ;. and elfewhere. Thirdly,