Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.I. OfChri. 309 Thirdly, by the folemnitie ache Couenant : for, Fill}, it is vttcred informe of Law , Indentute-wife, betweeue him on the one part, and hisChurch on the e- ther part : a 71i u the Covenant which I trillmake with the Hotafe of lfrael, thefpeech of lehoua. Secondly, it is regi;1red and inrollcd in the Records of the Couttof Heauen, as a perpetuall monument to indure for all eternitie. Thirdly,to put vs out of all danger and feare of lofing it, we haue a Duplicate left vni o vs., Heb. 8.8. &c. (as La1A icrc fpeake, anFxemplifica; ion or a Conflat.) Fourthly , b bee bathbound himfelfc both by word, without anothcrs, to make it tood, c That by two inputs. table things wherein it ri impofssble that Godfbould lye , wet might hueflrong confolar ion . Fiftly,Nct content vcith all this (as knowingwell our incredulitie and hardnef e of heart) he fctcheth infcances and confirmation from d Heauen aboue , and from the Earth beneath , and all theHoar of both , from the Sunne , and Moone, and Starres, from the courfes of theDay and Night-, from things preterit, and things f to come , from the s Height, and from the Deepe of ,ail which we cannot now fland particularly to difcourfe. Laf}ly, it is Pealed with the great Seale of the Blond of his onely Sonne : A Seale that hee neuer fet upon any other Letters Patents : whereupon,ratified by the deg th of him that made it, it bath allo the n ame of a h Téf}a- ment. . This Couenant or Tef}ament was alwayes one and the fame from the beginning , as Iefirs Chril+,, the fub- fiance thereof, was i yeflerday, and to day the fame, and fermer. Wherefore, Reuel. 1 3.8. hee is faid to bee the Lambe flaine from the foundation of the World. The power ofwhofe death is not to be meafuredby the time of his fuffering; as if it were auai]eable onely for thofe that a Ier.31.3 z; b Pfal.79.4. Heb.S.i 3. cHeb:f :1a d Gen.rSr P fill r79.3. e Ier3135.36. f Efy66.zz, g Icr.3r.37. and ratified by the death of him that made it,h,tlr alío the name of a Tef}a- ment. h Heb.9.15, 16, 11. Being aiwayel one, and the faine in fub- ftance, i