Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

310 The f condBooke ofDiuixitie, CHAP. T. it is neuerthe- lcfre diflin- guifhed,;or di- ífin&ly to bee conedered,in the Old and theNewTefta- nient : The Old Te- Itament was the Couenant through Chrift to come: The New Te- úament is the Couenant through Chrift alreadie come, Iefus theSonne ofNaric. k Heb.8. 13. I Ier.3i 3 33, 34. that fladuld come after: but all the faithfull from the be ginning are alike faued by the vertue ofit,afwell before as fnce his comming: for Abraham, faithhee, reicyced is fee my day, hefare it and was glad, Iohn 8.56. Howbeit, accordingto the differenceof the times, it bath a diuers name giuen unto it : Before the comming of Chrift in the flefh , the Couenant being through Chrift to come of the Seedof a Virgin : wben bee was once come, (Iefus , the Iudainme,that acknowledgethnot bleffed Seedof Mary) Iefus the Sonneof Mary, to bee the the Couenant thenwas protnifed Nefsias r nor the Mefhae through Chrift alrea- tobe yet come. die come. Whereby the former being k abrogated, and done away , this that fucceeded was called 1 the 2\Tew ref stment. In regard whereof, the other bath the name of the Old7eftame-nt. But had theFathers, that lined before his comming, as full a participation of Chrift and all his benefits as wee haue ? I , they had the very fame in fubftance : for they dranke, ofthe fpirituadl Rocke, which is ChvO t. car. 10.4. And to themalfo were the promifes made,Genefis 17.7. .1 will be the God of thee andof thy Seed after thee. And, Acts 5.1 r. By tiegraceof the Lord lefrssChrift theydid beleette tobeefailed , in the famemanner at we doe. Onely the difpenfation of the times did differ. CH A P.