Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH Ar . 2. of the PrieFt_hood ofChrift. CHAP. II. Of the Priefi-hood of aril?. Here bee m twoparts of the Mediation of Chrifl,Prieflhood andKingdome;be- ingboth together fully complete & per_ fe& for the whole worke ofour redemp- tion : for in theone is comprehended all fuíficiencic of matter for ourRegenera- tion,Righteoufnes, and the blefl:ednes belonging to it : in the other, all power toeffea and worke it ; the one is in Humilitie , the other inGlorie : one in all things be- tweene God and him that fhouldbe our Mediator; the other in all things that fromGod are through him con- ueyed downe veto vs. To conclude , the Prief}hood of Chrifl purchafeth our Redemption : his Kingdome doth apply ir. The things generally fpoken before ofhis vi hole of- fice ofMediation, may here be confidered in hisPrieilly Fun6lioa , whereunto it plcafeththe Holy Ghof+, for our comfort, more fpecialy to apply them, all diffe- ring from the Leuiticall Prieff-hood which was vnder the Law. Firfl,His calling,hauing two properties ; n one that it was by the Law ofthepowerof life,whereas the Priefls ofLessi were appointed by the Law of the flefhly com- mandement :The other, ° that where theywere made Prieswithout another,he vets appointed by his Father by an oath , to Phew that hee is the furetie of a better Teflament. Secondly,The P etcrnitic ofhisPi iefc-hood that q can- not paffefrom one toanother,either by fuccefftonor difcent as theirs did,but is perfonall, and euerlaflingly abieleth in hitnfelfe : 71ot+art a Prieff for Brier, after the order of ME L C H I S E D E C H: whereas in the Leuiticall Priefl- hoodt 311 Of theOf- fice of Media- tion, there bee two parts ; Pricft hood & kingdome Pricft-hood is in the things which hc doth to Godfor thoCe Elea. m Pfal,rio. ler.33 .1 7,1 8. Zach,6.1 3. Heb.7.23 n Heb.7.r6.. o Heb 7.zo, ZI,2Z. p,t3,. 24,2g. q ci7rara,ßalóm.