Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

312, The f condBookeofDìuinitie, CHAP . 2. r Heb7.7.8. f 1.Pet.1.5. Reue(.I.ti. hood , both the perfons dyed , and thePriell -hood it felfe changed, being tranflated to the Tribe of lads whence our Lord fprang. Thirdly, That this is The Popi(h Prieft -hood, whòfe r proper' vnto Chria, vale inftitution is, to offer facriìce and that there bee no for the quicke and thedead. griefis now under the Gofpel , to offer any propitia- toric Sacrifice. Indeed, thename of Prietf is often vied in the NewTef}ament, but giuen to all Chrifiians alike, for that all of vs communicate with the Prief}-hoodof Chrif },and as Niels to God, to f offerfpirituall Sacrifi- cer ; Firfl, our felues, as Paul faith, Rom.12,1. in the de- nial' ofour o.wne lulls, then, the Sacrifice ofPrayer and Thankef- giuing, Almes, and other Chriflian duties, whereofthe Apofile fpeaketh, He6.I 3.15 - &c. In the parts ofthe Prief}-hood, we put firf}, the offe- r ingof himfelfe to God his Father for vs : I fay, for vs, bccaufe Chri(.} is to bee confidered, not as one private man, but as a publike perfon, reprefenting all men that ate to come to life eternal' , as Adam did all his Pof}e- ride : for fo the Apof}le-kloth compare them,7om.5.14. From the vertue ofthis Oblation , commeth the full matter ofour peace with God. In it we are to confider foure principali heads,whcreunto all may bee referred : Firfi, is the fan&tificationof his humane nature, to be a fit infirument to worke our reconciliation unto God : wherein two things are comprehended ; Firfl,That the Man-hood or humane Nature, by the wonderful) worke ofthe HolyGhof}, was fan&ifiedin the Virgins wombe,from all kindof finfulneffe,and in- dued with an habite of tnof} perfe1 San6limonic and Holinetfe, in the verie firf} minute and moment of his conception. In which regard, the t Angel vnto Marie cal.lcth him, That holy thing that'ball be borne ofthee, &c. wherein hediffereth from all the formes ofAdam,as wel as he doth in the manner ofhis conception. The parts are, Oblation and Intcrcefiion. Oblation is the offering vp of' himfelfe for them. It f}ande,h firít, in the fanaification ofhis humane Nature and RighteouInes: then,in his fuf- frings,with the glories that did follow.The fanffifïcation ofhis humane Nature i ,the con.eèrating of it in all ho- linef e, from the verie fait .moment of his conception. t Lw!(ex35. S:..