Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C H AP. 2. Q, f'the pria-hood ofchrift. 313 Secondly, It was made a fic inl+rurncnt for the whole workeofthe Mediation , that is to fay, not onely for his owne performanceof the PriefilyOffices , but both for our incorporating into himfelfe, and for the quickening and gluing of' Lite , andAighteoufheffe , and all good things to thole that are incorporate , and that by the power ofhis God-head fang}ifying the Man_hood,as he faith, lohn 17.19. For their rakedoe Ifanliifte myfelfe. It is not therefore the God -head onely that quicke- nethvs,but the Humanitie alfo,,as an Infirument orCon- duit whereby hedoth it. And this it that our Sauiour faith, lob. 5. s6. Ar the Father bath life in himfelfe,fohath bee given to the Sonne to haue life in himfelfe. As if bee fhould haue faid, With God indeed is the Fountayne of Life , and Grace, and all good things: but that Nr hith is locked vp and buried in his vnacceffible Light , bee bath powredvpon the Sonne manifef}ed in the flefb, that fromhim, as from the Head, it might flow toeuery member of the Church; yea, hither driueth the whole tenor of his difputation, lohn6. S3, 57, 63. concerning the true caufe of our eternal' happineffe. After hee had faid , Vnleffe yee Bate theFlefh of the Sonne of man, and drinke hir Blond , you homeno life in you , hee addeth, .mss I line by the Father,fobee that eateth mee,bee alfo(hall line byre. And anon ; It is the Spirit that guiekeneth, theflefl profitetb nothing. When bee faith himfelfe (meaning his Man-hood, whichwas it onely which the Iewes beheld Chrii) lined; by the Father , thät is, theGod-head dwelling in him` (which for the 'ewes fake het vttereth vnder the nameof his Father,rather thenof himfclfe)he fheweth the fottntaineof this Life, that is,ofhisquicke- ning power, tobe that effentiall union of theGod-had tohis humaneNature, in regard whereoftheFather was called before , The Lining Father. Againe , where hee faith, Theflefh profzteth nothing; and yet had laid before, l'nleffeyewcafe the fell; of the Sonne of man, anddrink his blond, for the worke of the Media- tion.