Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

314 The feóÒnd Booke ®fDíuinitie, CH A P. 2. bleed, yee haue no life inyou:he diflinguifheth two things moil manifeflly ; Firfl,that his humaneNature,whether you confider the effence of his Soule or Bodie , or any created vertue, or qualitie inherent bathnot of it felfe any quickening vertue in it, which is onelyproper tohis God-head, ( then that the fame is nevertheleffe not wn- profitable,but a troll neceffarie inarument,which being fira it felfe quickened by the God-head,whereunto it is perfonallyknit) doth from the God-head powre life in- to as manyas byFaith are vnited tohim,without vvhofe flefh the Spirit neuer quickeneth , no more then the fou'e maketh a man to vnderfland , but by the braille. Therefore is theMaip+hood aptly compared to a Foun-' tayne, which fendcth forth moil fweet and comfortable ilreames ofwater of Lifevnto all his Members, and the Deitie to the Well-head , or to a Spring that miniflreth continually vnto this Fountayne. The Righre- The fecond head is the performing of thorowRigh, oufnef e of teoufneffe for vs , being in all his Adlions fupernaturally Chift, is his vpholden from all pcffibilitie of finning , and perfor- them mtngof min the moll exalt and erfe&obedience of the Law, oil ex- cellent g p mea- John S. 29. I doe alwayes the things that are?leafing to my Cure of obedi- Father. of God; Supernatural!, I fay, becaufe being a true Man , and Law that of Foal_ hauing all the infirmities of the foines of men fume bly fall into a- onely excepted, he was as all other, in his owne Nature, ny Creature: fhbie& to temptation , and of a mutable difpofition to and being the imbrace euill,as e4d4m did, if it had beetle poffiblefor lighreoufnelfe theGod-head (to the whichbee was perfonally vnited) of hh imwho is bot God and to haue left him. Man, conre- In thispart I confider themeafute,Firft,ofhisRighte cluently it me- otfneffe,and then of theBleffedneffe which he merited: riteth a he both oft hetn in thehighefl and moll fuprerne excellencie fu ief- that canbe; more then , I fay, not men, but all the An- (z,re of Blef- îedaci'c, gels cfheauen are capableof,being the righteoufneffe of -himwhich is both God and Man : and therefore called The "V'