Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. 2. of the Prie/f-1oodof Chrii. u The Righteoarfnefe of God, which notvvtchílanding as a qualitie inherent to the humat,c Nature ofChrií}, is to be diflinguifhed from that cffentiail Righteoufnef e of he bath a,God, which is the very God-head. To the third head, are to be referred the fufferings.of Chrií., a principall part cf his obedience, as het "tooke upon him the Office of Mediator, but in nature and confidcration of the Dot$rine to be diflinguifhed from the former. And herein efpecially ffandeth that offering of himfelfe vp roGod his Fa- ther for vs. As the Apofile tetlifieth,Hebrewes 9,14, How much more (hall the blood of Chrifi who by his euerlafiing Spirit bath offered vp himíelfe to Çod, &c? In this part of his Oblation, the fufferings whichhcc did indure, obferue, Firi+, That Chrit} himfelfe performcth all the parts, and his whole Perfcn hath a flroké in it : for both flee is the Sacrifice, or thin, it feue offered, the Prieíl , or the Offerer, and the Altar, or that which fandhfieth the of- fering : whereupon in his whole Perron as God and Man, he isftid to be curPrief}, Hcd.5.6. Firf}, As Man, he is th: Sacrifice, his whole hurnanitie fuffering (bothSoule and Body) which was the Taber- nacle of his Dcitie,whercinheperformed this Sacrifice; whereupon theApoflle talleth him, x The.e?2inifi,rof that trueTabernacle, which the Lord pight, and not man: and , that Y Chrif being come anHigh Tri,,1 , by a setter andmore perfeEl Tabernacle, not made with handy , that ia, not of this building whi:h the earthly Tabernacle was of but men by his owne Blond entred into the holy Place. Wherefore the Scriptureattributeth the remiffionofour fumes by this Oblation, fometirnes to his vt hole Perron, fometimes by a Synecdoche of the part for the whole, to his Body Flefhor Bloud, and fometimes to his Soule, X álw, o 315 The abomination of the Popifn Maffe wherein the Prick off;,reth vp Chrilf e- uery dayvnto his Fau her. u iCor.4.24. SufF:ring (on princpall part of that obe- dience) is his taking vp. onhim x Hea S.a. Y Heb9. t a. _J