Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

316 The f eoî'ldBooke ofDiYtiñitie, CHAP. 2 z t.Tiar.2.6. a 7itui.z.19. b c I.Pet.z.14. d CoC71.2 . y Co1.1.7,0. f Efay 53.I0. 0 Natt.zo.18. Marke 1o.45 I1 Efy53.5. ï Heb.13.13. tYc e haue anAl- tar, e'ac. k Matt.23,17. 1Ieb.4.14. % Whogams himfelfe a ranfomefor all, a who gasehimfelfe for vs , that be might redeems vs , by b the which tvice are fanElified cues by the offering of the Body of lefus Chrif>f once-made : e hee bare our f nnes in his Body , on the Tree ; bee ' reconciled vs in the Body of his fe/h : through his Death bee e reconciled vs, making peace , by theblood of his Crop; bee f made his Soule finne , or a Sacrifice for fame. g The Sonneof man came to lime his SouleAran. force for many. Elfe muff our foules haueperifhed. This was bothprefigured in the Law by the bloud, which is the foule of the brute Creature , and othcrwifc by the Holocauff , or whole burnt Offering, and is fignified in the Sacrament of the Gol-pell : for the Ceremonie of breaking bread, vied in the Lords Supper, cannot bee fo properly referred to his Body, which had not a bone broken , as to his Soule ,. moff fpecially h bruifed and broken in pieces with hcauineffe and furrow. Secondly., As God, he is the i Altar, or theSan6íñer of his Man-hooc?,..which he offereth, by gluing it.pow er to ouercome :for that is thepropertie of the Altar, to kfanaifie the gifr. God faith PAnt., Aar 20.28. bath by his owne blared redeemed the Church. As if hee fhould haue laid, It was indeed the Man aria Iefus,that fbed his bloud : but of final' effeahad that beene,vnleffe he had beeneGod , whereby his bloud obtayned firength and power, to fanítifie thofc that are his. And in.the E- piffle to the I. Bebrewes, Howmuch more!ball the blondof Cbrift , which by theeuerlafling Spirit offered himfelfevn- blameablevnto CJod, purgeyour cosyfciencefrom deadworks, to f rsethe lining God ? Laying the whole vertue and efñ- cacieof Chrifls death vponthe etcrnall Spirit,that is,the fulneffe ofthe God-headwhich dwelleth in him:So that in a fort God himfelfe,who is not fubiet`f vnto fufering, did fuffer,wheuhe fuffered that w as both God and Man.. Whereupon the Apotflc faith,that eucn in refpea ofhis God-head,; be emptied bimfelfer&c. Philip. 2.7. The