Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

P CH A P. 2. of the Priefi-hoodof Chrifi. The difference of this part of Chrifis Priefl -hood, from that of baron, flood in thefepoints: Firfl, Hoe himfelfe was offered here, there other Ob- lations and Sacrifices. Secondly , They offered many times , himfelfe being here the Sacrifice,could bee but once offered : whereof the Apofllebath many notablefpeeches in the Epifflc co the Hebrewes, By m the which will we are fankified, exert m Heb,zo. roá by theOblation ofthe Bodie of lefud Chriff once made : 6ut he loaningofferedoneSacrifice for f{nnet ftteth for euer at the right bandofGod :for by one Oblation bee bath confe- cratedforeuer thofe that are f nthfied. And in the ninth Chapter, Chri, n beingonceoffered in theend of the World n íeG,9.z6. to beare thelinnet ofmnany, &c. Thirdly., Hee U did it for vs and our good onely ; for, o Heb.7s7 for himfelfehe needednor.The Priefls of Aaron offered; firfl,for themfclues,and then for the people. In the fecond place, are to be obferued the things hee of ouriinnes, fuffered and tooke vpon him, to wit, Firf+, our verie finnes are laid vpon Chrifl as our Pledge and Sttretie otherwife wee muff needes haue remained in them : whereupon bee is called, P The Soretie of the New7e- p Heb.7.:z. flament. And hereof it is, that the Apof}le faith , 9 Fins that q z.Cor.5.zr knew nofnne, hemade tobe tinne for w , in regard ofour finnes call vpon him, and imputed to him. Secondly, taking our finnes , hce tooke with-all the and the whole guilt and the wholecurie and punifhmcnt due unto cur:e them. By reafon of theguilt there befell him, feare and horror from the fenfe of his Fathers wrath, Fhb. 5.7. Sorrow, troubleof mind, aflonifhmenr, heauincffe vn- to death, t71'atth. 26. 3 8. Which fpecially appearing towards the end ofhis days, whenbee was to en er in- to the lifls,and to fight the great combate, hand to band with his angrieFathcr,did withall firetch it felfe in fome meafure to the refl of the parts of his life. Of the:: r Z,(4 X 2 317