Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

3X8 f Matt. zo. z8. t34erke zo. 45. i.Tiin.z 6. , eiv7tau7pov. u I. lohn z.z. s`asíprov. x Rom.;. z,g. }' s'°iWn 7. 1(h 33.7..3 a Rom, 3. z,s, b 11cG,r.3. c Ban.9r4. Gal.3.i3 >. both that of this life, d I-lee.4i 5. air 7.14. The f cond BookeofDitti??itie, CHAP. 26 tiler wee read, The chaFfiftrnent of oter peace did lye vpon him. For this caufe he is Paid f To hone preen his foteic a &Infernofor many, and to bee a t Panf me rguivalent for all. Thereforehe is called u the Propitiation for our flows, & is Paid to be x fit vp ofGodfor aPropitiatorie,by all dim as it feemeth to the couer which was vpon the Arke of the Couenant,called the v Propitiatoric cowering : a type of the Propitiation wrought by Chrill, and manifcfted in and through hirn,when bee brake downe the vayle of Cercrnonies that flood betweene God and vs. To this Elrhu z -loth allude, when he briogeth in the Mini- fter ofGod, praying Cor the deliuerance of the afiii&red perfon, bccaufe God hath elfe Where found an expisttorie Propitiation , which is C-,riff his Sonne. For this caufe we aref,id to be 2redeemeci by him,and that b bybion. felfe he bath made the ptargation of our finncs.. And here- vpon c Daniel vfeth the phrafe ofpurgingfinncs, in Read of the pardoning and taking them away by Chrìff pur- gation, and the pricewhich he fhould pay. But fhall we then make Chriff the Bcloued and Blef fedone of his Father, to bee accurfed ? Vcrily, the A- paRle,as he called him Sinbefore, fo in the fame fait fcarcth not to fay, that hee was made a Curfe' forvs, by imputation of the curfe due to our finnes. The curie that our finne def'erueth being of two kindes, both that of this life, and the fulneßé of it due veto vs after deth,Chtili ìndured both.Touching thofe ofthis lifegenerally,, the Apoffle to the Hrbrtrves faith, He was tempted, and had experience of otir infirmities in all things like to vs, witbeut finne. But to number them in order anfxcrable to our owne, they are thefe that folio x . Firfl,Satan himfclfmolcffedhimwith his temptations: to whole halings and pullings, carrying and recarrying, he fubie&ed his facred Bodie (if we follow the litterall fe.nfe,and vnderflan d the Euangeliffs words properly :) and