Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F. 2. ofthe Prieji_hood ofChriff. and his holy and innocent Soule to his temptations, Matth.4 5,8. Then the Deuilltookehint into theholy Citie, andfet him vpon apinacle of theholy Temple. Againe, the Denill tooke him into an exceeding high Mountayne, and hewed him,,&c. Secondly, the creatures were his enemies, and armed ro doe himhurt; e the winds,the iornies,and the waues e Marlt.4.36, ofthe Sea did rife vp againfi him. 31,38. Thirdly, he tooke vpon him the infirmities ofour na- ture; f Hunger, g wearineffe, weakneffe, fickneffe, &c. f tatth.4.2, Efay 53.3,4. and kfatth.8.i7. He bathinduredour d f g lohn4.6. cafes, and borne our forrowes. Fourthly, Bafeneffe, contempt, abieélion, humbling himfelfe, who was Lord ofHeauen andEarth,and in the forme of God, andequal' with is Father , not oncly to come downe into the lower parrsofthe earth, but emp- tyinghitnfclfe, to become of none account, and to take the fotme of a feruant,that is,of a poore contemned per- fon, that the People and Rulersdid abhorre him;whcre- vpcn worthilydoth the Prophet call him, h Hisaowhom, h z fr 49.61. emery one defpifeth, whom the Nation eteemethof abomi- sable, a remnant to the Rulers, &c. And againe, ¡There is in i %fay S3,z,3,4. him no beautie, nor ccmelineITe,andwhenwe Tooke vponhim, there is no ¡hew why we fhoulddefre him ; e/I contemptible perfon, and anabiea among men , a man of griefe, and ae- q aintedwith ìnfirmitie, contemnedfo, as wee doe noteteesre bi»L. Fiftly , Infinite calamities; as Smitings , Lyings in wait ,Sptttings.Scourgings,Pouertie, al kindof wrongs, Contumelies. Slanders, Reptochcs. Blafphemies , Scof- fin s. efay 5o.6. Mryback1 expofe to the Smiters, andmy cheek! to the Nippers ; my face I hide not fromcontumely andfromfpatth: As in theholy Stole it is recorded,they pittifully Icourged him; crowned him with Thornes, knifed and (pit a: him. Particularly of Pcuertie wee readeg 2. Cor. 8.9. Bee becamepoorefor our fakei : Info_ X 3 much 319