Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

320, k Nat,8,1o. 1 Efay.53.34. aiat.8,17. and thé fulnes ofit due vnto them after death. màfay53.4. n z.Tïtn.z.6. áv7íAv7pov. o p lohn q Mat.s6.38. Mar.i4. 3534 f Luke 22.44. t Heb.g.7. The pond Booke ofDiuinitie, CH AP. 2. much that as hec k profeffeth of himfelfe , Hee hadnot where to lay his head. Sixtly, Bodilydeath,and that a reprochfull oncito be hanged, Phil.2.8. Hee humbledhimfelfe vnto death, etsen the death of the Croffe. All which were properly in him the I punifhmcnt ofour firmes. Touching the full curfedneffe due vnto vs after death, which we affirme that bee induced, the meaning is nor, that he felt the very eflate and condition ofthe damned, but the wholeand ful feuere wrath ofGod due to finne, equall to the very hellifh torments in vehemencie of paines and fharpneffe : which may appeare ; Firfi , be- caufe he fuffcred the very forrowes and paines for finne which elfe wee fhould haue borne,as the Prophet faith, n, Hee bare our iniquities, andoar very forrowesbee fuflay_ ned, neither could hee otherwife haue beine n theprice ofour Redemption, or our 0Suretie, if bee had not paid the very fumme. Secondly, The forrow and trouble of his minde, be- fore hee came to handie_ gripes , whereof hee himfelfe faith,P Xewra rrnyfoule troubled.AndwhatJhall.1fay ?Fa- ther , fans tweefrom this honre , but therefore came I vnto this hours : my q foule is eueryway campaffedwithfarrows: todeath: his fears & fright becaufe of thisbitter Cupbe- ing fo tcrrible,that r Angels were faine tobe Pent downe to tirengthenand incourage hint , that his body , as yet wiéhout all harme, f trickled downe vvitt clots of bloud, in head of fweat, which was neuer heard of in any man befides , fhew that it was more then bodily paines, euen the whole Cup of Gods wrath which bee fo t feared, in fearing felt, and feeling, was deliuered from. Elfe hee had not beene fo firong as tin thoufand Saints and Martyrs, that fight but by his firength. Thirdly , It appeareth by the mayne battaile fought threewhole houresvpon the Croffe,all which time,tug- ging in the fearefull darke,with him that hath thepower of