Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. 2. of the PrieJl-hood ofChri/1. of darkeneffe to hide from the eyes ofthe World the fire of his Fathers wrath , which in that hot skirmifh burnt vp euerypart;and to giue to the Enemie full (cope and aduantage, he cryed out at the laft in the extrernitie ofhis anguifh, but yet as one that had now ouercome the vttermoft ofthe brunt : My « God, my god, why hall u Matth.:4, thou (all this while) forfakfnme? 4f,46 Fourthly, The Apoftle exprefly faith, that X Chrift X ßa4313 was made acurfefor vs. And it cannot be, that hee meaneth that curfe,but of a fhamefull and ignominious death only:for he fpeaketh ofthe curiedue to euerieone, that continuethnot inall things that are written in the Tooke of theLaw todoe them : from which, Chrifl redeerned vs, himfelfe being made that curie for vs. Neither doth the reafon which the Apoftle iendreth,Asit it written, Curfed is (Faris one that hangeth vpon the Tree, prooue that our Sauiour Chrifl was no o- therwife accurfed,thenas eueryother Malefa&oris,or as theThiefevpon the Croffc,whofefoule notwithflanding went to Paradife : but his reafon ferueth for thecontrá- rie, to prooue that this kinde of death was by wayof Type and Ccremonie accurfed in the Law , preñgurir.g the curfe that was to light vpon our Sauiour Chrift, in whom all the Ceremonies of the Law had their accom- plifhment and perfedlion. But how ( will you fay) couldthis feare in Chrift bee without finne ?Becaufe it grew not from weakneffe of faith, much leffe from defperation : for euen when hee cryedout in the anguifhofhisfoule , Whyhaft ¡bonfor_ fa en me?yet hee ceafeth not to call hiin his God , of whom hee complaincth himfelfe tobee forfaken ; butit grewout of a moere humiliation : for howfoeucr, as touchinghisDiuine Nature,hee were squall with G oD the Father, yet he found in his humanitie , wherein bee was topay our ranfome , anexceeding vnabilitic to fa-- tisfieGodsZuiIice, vnlef e heemight bee pleafed fauou -. X 4 rably 32I