Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

easowww, 321 The pcondBooke ofDiuinitie, C H A P. 2. rably to accept the Sacrificeofhis Bodie, not as theSa- crifice ofa man, but as the Sacrifice ofhis onely begot- ten Sonne; and what was wanting in the weakeneffe of his humane Nature , to account fufficientlymade vp in the worthine ffe ofhis God-head. Befides,he feared not an vtter defertion or forfaking , which to feare were dc- fperation , but left his humane Nature Chould for a time be left alone without any comfortable aífitlance of the God-head,fearing in that diflreffefull agonieofhis,and the verie confufion of the powers of his Nature, how long it might hold him , and how infinitely more it might increafe vpon him , feeing that hee was not yet come to the greateft of his Paffion, from whence by a meere natural' defire abhorring paine, which may well be without finne, he would haue gladly beene relcafed And therefore praying it might palle from him, yet pre. fently fubmittethhimfe!fe vnto it, tAiatt.26.39. O my Father, i f it be poffible, let this (up patefrom nie :Neuer- theler, not at 1 will but as thou wilt. And a gaine, Perfe 42. O my Father, if thu Cup cannot pafeaway frommee , but y Mark.t4.36. that I mull drink, o f ir, thy will bee done. Y M A R K E hath it thus : Father, 41 thiNgt arepofftble to thee ;take a- way this Copfrom mee: Neoertheleffe not as 1 w ll, but as thou wilt. All whichhee The third thing to bee obfecued in hisfuTerings, is, fullylatisfied, that by the power of his God-head hee did indure and went thorow with them, and di] not take the foile : for as a huge f}one falling vpon a piece of brittle glalle, grindeth it all topowder : but if it light vpon a thing as huge as it felfe, it is not able for to wagge it : fo the infi itepowerof his God-head, tlrengthened the hu- mane Nature of Chrifi to indure the brunt of the infi- nite wrath and difpleafure o`' his Father in fuch fort, as ir didnot oucr-whclmc him, but that in themiddeíl of all his fufferirgs, hee did in a manner conquer and ouer- come, laying in his hurnibtic the beginning (as it were) and