Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CB A r. 2. 0.f, the Prie l-hood ofChriti. and foundation ofhis Glorie, and of his Kingdome, in hislowe eí}ate. Whereof it followeth ; Firí}, that in thecniddef} ofhis mot} bitter fuffet gs, he was freed from hatred of God, finali defperation, and fuch like, which are not of the fubf}ance of the punifh- ment , but lamentable and feareiull effeìs in thole that are ouercome of it. Secondly , That bee was not , nor could not bee ercafhed with the waight of it,iutoHell,thcplace ofthe damned. Thirdly, That makingfatisfa&}ion,hee did not lye for euer vnder it. But how then, did bee pay the ranfome of our finnes which is Hellfire, thefeconel Death, eNerlafing condemna- tiorJ, if bee ;.c-ither were in Hell to fufferthere, and carne foquickly out of his fuffering here ? Thefe things,as hath beene fhewed,are nopart of the punifhrnent, butcffe6 s,and things annexed to it, when the punhhrnenm it felfe is not able to bee indured, and bathno place where that is borne and fatisfied. And yet it is more,that Chrif} theonely begottenSonne ofGod, yea,God himfelfe, fhould for a fmall while thus beare the curie of the Law, then if the wholeWorld had fuf- fered eternall punifhment in Hell fire. The fourth thing is, how and which wayhe fatisfied all this, and when. Firí}, Our curfednef e here, bee fatisfied in the whole courfe of his life, as z the Euangelií} out of the Prophet notcth, He.beakdall that wereficke, tbAt it might beeful- filledwhichMIS fpoken by Es AY the Prophet ,laying, Hee took!orar infirmities, and bare owficknefe. Se, o,dly, the infinite wrath of God his Father, bee fatisfied vpon the Croffe ; for thither Both the Scrip- ture euer call vs , a Who bare otsr(innes vpon the mood, that b hee might reconcile both in one bode unto G O D, tbrvatgh 323 our currednes here, in the wholecourfe of his life, z Mat,8.i6,17, our fulicur- fedneiîe upon the Croffe, a h Eibefk.r6