Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

324 c ColoS:1.14. and deatb,by dying : vnder thepower whereof he lay three dales in the graue. Thegloriesof Chrift that followed his fufferings dEÏ4S3.IO. 7.Pet.I.II. Pfal, zz, ThefecondBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP. 2 through the Croffe,killing enmitie through it ; e blottingout the hand-writing ofordinances that was againfi vs , which was fecretly contrarie to vs, bee tooke it away, yelling it to theCrof fe,, _ Thirdly, Death in the graue , where being folemnely buried, to affure vs, his death was atrue death, and not counterfeit , nor fained, hee lay three daies vnder the ignominious dominionof it. The fifth and 1aí} thing is the end , which is alto the vfe and fruit ofhis fufferings : For&iuenefl'e offins, Mor- tificationor Abolifhing'of our finfull lufls,and the Free- ing ofvs fromdeath andcondemnation, as lhall appeare hereafter. To come vnto the laf} of thofe foure heads : ourSa- uiours humblingof himfelfe, fo farre, as to be obedient veto death , the deathof the Croffe , it pleafed God to crowne with an infinite waight of bliffe, asthe Apoffle teacheth, Phil. 2.9. Agreeable whereunto is that ofthe Prophet d 6fay,Seeinghee giueth himfelfe an Oblation for finne,heefhall fee a fèede,and prolong his dayes. And Re- 5. I 2, I;. It is the voyceof infinite thoufands of holyAngels,applauded by all the creatures in heauen, and upon the earth , and by the foure liuing creatures, and the foure and twentie Elders, Worthie is the Lambe that wasflaine, to receiue power, andriches, andwifedome, andßrength, and honour, andglorie, andpraife. In which two, e thefigf feringr ofChrif,and theglories that did follow, the whole fubflance of the Gofpel i}andeth, as he him_ felfe teacheth his Difciples, Luk, 24.26. Mufá not Chris hawsefigffered thefe things,andfo enter intohùglorie? But had he no glorie at all, before he.?hadfiniffed'his fufferings ? Indeed during'. the time of-his humiliation, which.was all his lifelong, while!} hebare the iufirtnitie ofou'r natures,and the punishment due to the fame, the great happinetfe belonging to him, was fmothered in ibtne` fort, that it did not fo appeare, tieither was the time