Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP .2. o f the Priefl-hood of Chrift. time for the full trt.anifetling thereof yet come .: How- beit, euen then bee did not obfctirely make ouerture of it many wayes : For firfk, in that weakneffe of his flesh, he gaue fo liuely tokens of his.Glorie, that the f Apolile f 1.7'ím. ;.16, feareth not to fay open then,'Whenhe ,asmanifefled in the flefh, hemu ;cif in the Spirit. And Peter talleth him g Xis 2.23. a man approued of God , by the excellent Deeds , and mi_ racles, andfines which God had done by him.,. Which, as h lohn noteth , were to manifest his Glorie. In regard h lobas whereof he faith, i Wee for his Glorie as the Glorieofthe i lohn 1.14. onely begotten Sonne of God. But yet fometimes more glorioufly then at other, he was pleated in an extraordi- nary manner to reuealeit , as in his Transfiguring vpon the Mount, when k his face/hived as the Sonne , and his k Matth.i7,z. garments were made white as the light: In his t whipping l lohn z.15._ of the Buyers and Sellers out of 'the Temple : In his m caufing of them that came to apprehend him , onely m John 18.6. by the power of his Word, to fall vnto theground, &c. yea ,in the verymidi ofall his fuferings, andeuen vpon the Croffc it felfe,how did his glorie thine ? taking vpon him to n difpofeof Paradife the Kingdome ofHeauen, n Luke 23,42, at his pleafure, and makingheauen and earth, the lining, 43. and the dead, tpworke together for thecelebratingof his greatneffe. When theSurine afhamed oftheir doings o pulled inhis beames, and refufed to glue themLight ; o Matth47.45. when at P his voice and the node of his roiling , the p Matth.z7. Earth trembled and fhooke, theVale of the Temple 50,51,52 rent afunder from the top veto the bottome ; Rocks flue in pieces, the Graues were opened , and the Bodies of many dead Saints did arife ;. when hee wrung out of the q Centurions mouth a confeffion ofhis Perlon, and q Matth.z7.54 made the r hands of Pilate imbrued with his b.loud, to r Iohn 19.19, be the infiruments ofthe publifhingofhis Office,and to so,Zi,za. lift vp the Standard. of his praife to all people, Latines, Greekes and Hebrewes , that not without lut+ caufe, Both the t Apotile fay, that bee fpoyledPrincipalities and f 325