Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

3a6 The fecondBooke ofDiainitie, CHAP. 2. Powers , and led them in open flies, triumphing upon the Croft.. So as the lhamefull and ignominious Grolle, was contrarie to its nature,fo, altered and changed by Chri(}s :Udine Power , that it ferued now for a Trophce, and Monument of his Vi&orie, being as a Chariot, wherein bee rode more glorious, then any Emperour or Poten- tate oftheWorld,in the middef} ofhis greatef} triumph, andhad all the enemies of our fafuation, Satan, Sinne, Hell , and Condemnation led after him , chained and faf} bound with all their weapons pulled from them, as men taken captiues. But this Glorie of his afterwards fhined foorth,mof} cleerely i'i foure f}eps or degrees. In the fir(} place may bee reckoned (though it were not confpicuous to the World) that he went infoule vn- to Heauen after death. So he c faith to the Thiefe, This day thou /halt bee withmee inParadife. And after, being readie to glue vp the Ghofl uFather,intothyhands Icom- mit my Spirit. Which to bee meant of his prefent going toGod his Father,is manifef}by other places, where the like phrafe is vfed, as Acts 7. 59. in theprayer of STE P H E N , Lord, receiue icy fpirit. The fecond f}ep is his Refurreé}ian when in the Chambers ofdeath he corquered Death it felfe,and be- irg a Morfell that the Graue was not able for to fwal. low , arofe from thedead', and made thereby a perfea cot-:pea of all his Foes and full demonfiration of his Rom.t.4. Glorie, as the Apo(}ie faith, x Hee wowmightily declared to bee the Sonne ofGod,aa teaching the Spirit ofSardhfica- tion, by riling from the dead. In his Refurreéttovì, I note thefe fixe things : Fir(}, The caufc of his Refurree}ion , w'hichwas by his owue diuine Power. .Secondly, The manner of his rifng mightily and pow etfully, not bound hand and _foot as Lazarus came forth ; but like Samfon, hee y brake the bands ofdeath and ofthe graue in (under. ?hirdly, were inCoule or bodie apart, orioyntly in themboth: In find ,hc went to Hea- uen presently after death. t Luke.23.43. u Verfe q6. His bodie hec ray fed from the dead, y/Asa. 24