Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C AP. 2. of the ofChrif. 327 Thirdly,What bodie lice rote withall; a. Bodie freed from all infirmitie, hu'Iryer, tl,irfl, wearineffe, &c. and indued with immortnlitie, f?rcngrh, nimUl.I eífc°, agili- tie, able ro rrootte vpwards, as well as to goe do .erne wards, glorious and fhining : and therefore calll.d z r1 y /bigil.'S, that tcaclr Cl1rSílï bodie gloriou-s. bto,ifl)Cner it romaine a a bodie bode fìncehis Rcíurre ions fuill to be to bee Omnipotent cuerie- bandied, touched, fclr,hauing where.. 1ength, breadth, &c. NA' Rttli all other cffentiall properties belonging to a Bodie , and locally comprehended inone certaine place. Fourthly The time when lice role; which was the b thirdDay early in the morning. Fifthly,Thefru`,t and benefit in all thole good and ex. «llent things; which arc to bee remetnbred,v,hen wee fpeakc of the Kingdomc ofChri;l. The third flee is, his moll bleffcd and glorious Al cenGon : whereby, in Bead of the lower part of the Earth, whither for his great loue unto vs,he did willing- ly come downe, God bath takenhim vp, and let him a. bone the higheft Heauens as the Apofile noteth, phef.4.I o,1 I . Ñ,orP this that he afcended, what is it, but that lice firfl defcendedinto the lower parts ofthe Earth f He that defcended, is thefe fi ame that afcended farre abasie all the Heanens,&c. OF:Alit is theStorierecorded ,Mark!16.19.Lmk..24.5 r and more fully,Árrts T, 29. that whiles` they looked , bee waeliftear vp: or,as the Angel calleth ir, Ao<s I. I r. taken vp from them into. Review, that is Iris humane nature, by the power and vertue of hisGod- head,wastruly and locally tranflated from the. Earth, into the highefl Hea.- ucns of the bleffed , Where it is to rernaine in all gioti and excellencie, till the latter Day, as the Angel tellcth . his Apollles, Ac` s I. t I. This lefas, that is taken v? from yeti intoHeaanen, /ball fo come , as y'otsihanefeene him going into Heaatien. And Peter more plainly, Albs 3. 2I.whom, Hea glorious, z 2h3i1.3, .r. a Lutte z4. x9, B'ha1dmybands endnote.. It is errent :touch. meand fee moo. AS ï, it bath not flefh ltfld bones asyou fee me to hiue. Afs /'as 3.13,15', the third day at the daw- ning ofthe day. b Mat.i(.zr. Lukez4.7, I I. At3s 1.Cor,15.4 In his whole peronfoulc and bodie, he a:cends into Hauen,