Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Now .328 The fecovd Bootee ofDiuinitie, CH A P. 2, Heauenmuff centaine, till the times of the refforing of all thing :. For where our Sauiour faith,Matth,z8. zo.1 amwith youalwares to the end of the World : and a c little before had faid , Mee youAall not bane alwayes amongyou; it appeareth, that themannero` his prefènce is to bee di- f}inguifhed :for hee is prefcnt indeed aiwayes withhis Church , but by the power and comfort of his Spirit, whereby he dothcommunicate himfelfe,and all he bath unto vs,not in any corporali or bodily pretence. The time that bee thus afcendedboth in Souk and Bodie, , was fortie d dayes after his Refurre ion , du- ring all which time hee was.Eonuerfant with his Difci- ples,teaching and infiru6ling them as well in all points ofChriftian doarinc, as in chafe that belong to the Po- licie and Gouernment of his Church : whereupon the e Apoflle faith, The was faithfull iae all the Houfe of God, after a more excellent fort then Mores was. The fruit of Chrif }s Afcenfion into Heauen, is our comming thither, as fhaIl appeare more at large here.. after. And this entrie into Heauen to purchafe full Re- demption for vs , belonged to his Prief}ly Fun&ion, whereof theHighPrief}s entring into the Holy ofholies once a yeere,was a type or figure,Heb,8.7,t z. The fourth and laf} fiep, is his f Glorification, or the inrichingof him after hee was afcended , with an vn- fpeakeableand incomprehcnfiblc ( though not an infi- .nite meafure ) ofall Happinetic, Ioy, Wifedome, Know- led ge,Excellencie, more then all men and Angels haue; whereof the g Pfalmif fpeaketh, ,God, euen thy God bath anointed thee with the Oyle ofgladneffe above thy fellowes. Therefore this is called alto his h Exaltation or i Su. perexaltation : hauing. in 'lead offhamc and comtempt, ( which for our fakes bee did willinglyvndergoe, be- comming fubiedi vnto death , the mot} ignominious -death ofthe Croffe) all and all manner of excellencie, both c. alat.:ó.tr. the fortieth day afterhis Aefiirreftion, d Aas s.3. e . Heb.3. 153,4, 5, 6. and there fa- teen at the right hand of God: that isto fay,enioyeth all Sotleraip- c1e,POWer and Glorie. f 1oh.733 Aéis t. r3. g Pfæ!45.8. &Heb 1.9. tt Aéis z.33.