Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C II AP. 2. Ofthe Prie-hood ofChriJ1. both Kingdome, Power, and Glorie beífowed vpon him ; and this is that wh :ch figuratiuely is metnt by his fitting or fffanding at the right hand of God his Father, H(6.I.34 Hailing by hilnfelfe purged our fnnes, bee f tteth at theright band ofAtaieflie in thehighefplaces. Marke z 6.19. The Lord,after he hadfpoken thefe things,war taken TT into Heavers, andfstteth at the right band of God. ACts 7. 55. Hee beingfull ofthe holy Ghoft, looked fledfafízly vp to Heassen erect faze the Glorie ofGod , and lef s flanding at the right hand ofGod. A phrafc or forme of fpcech ta- ken from earthly Princes , who are Paid to fet them at their right hand, whom theyare pleated to k aduance k Matt/42.o.. into theprincipali place of Honour, and Adminii?ration of their Kingdorne. Fir(f, touching his Gouernment and Dominion, both theApoffles fo expound this phrafe, when that which Vauid faith, I EH OVA H faiduntomy Lord, Sit there 1 Pfal.tto.r. at Ray right oand,ti/l1 'make thine enemies thyfootfloole.The one m rendreth thus, Ile"hall raigne, tillhe haueput all his m r.cor.t f.Zç; enemier under his feete. The u other inferreth vpon it : n Af r z.36. Let all the houfe of' Ifrael therefore knowfor a certayrie, that HimGod bathmade both LordandChilli. For power and dominion botb,that ferueth, Ephef,I.IC1,2o,7.I. eísccor- ding tdhis mightiepower which beewrought in Chrift, )vhen be rayfed himfrom thedead, andfet himat his right band in the heaaun) places,farreaboue all Principalitie, andPoser, andMight,andDominion,andeuery name that is named,not in this iVorldvney, but alto in that that is to come, and hat) made all things fubietl under his feet. Of his Glorie the fame is manifef}, in that thisvery fettine at the right hand of God is o c'illed his Glorifi- o Alts 3.c3 cation ; and the P Rorie of Stephen coupleth them toge- p 4 1s 7.55. flier : Tlee Earn the Glorie ofGod, and lips: landing at the right handof God. The fruit of his fetting at the right hand of God is very great, a manner allin ally .both. fer his.Interr ccMo 329