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330 The fecorsd Booke ofDiatinitie, C tt ,4 r. z, Hitherto of Oblation : In.tcrcefsion is the continnall pref. ntingof his Merits to God q .I.tohi: 2.I. If any max fin, we hate an Ad-. aíocate with tl e Father, euezz defies Chriji that rigj:teous one. r Heb.9.i4. f Rom.8.34. Hob 7.2.1. his Father, cetlion and Kirìgdome, as we (hail haueoccafion to note hereafter. All that hithertomath Beene faid, concerneth our Sa. uiours offering of himfelfc ::vicee come now to the other part of his Priell.hood , (landing in his Intercc fïìon. A thingmoil neccffaric to be added to the ref }: or in vaine were all his Offerings and Oblation, if by his Prayers and Supplications tohis Father , and the continuall pro. Tenting of his Merits Flee did not purchafeGrace , that the fame thould bee made effe%.uall for vs. Wherefore this,as one f}ep higher;is added to the former,Rory.8.34 Who f/1 condemns ? It is Chrift that dyed nay rather, which is rifen,who alto is at the right handof God, who aliro raketh intercefonfor vs. In his Intercctlion I obferuc, FittI, th= t it is the proper Office and Honor of Chri[f, by whom onely wecome vrtoGod, Hcb.7.25. Secondly , That it is the recluefing and intrcatie of his Father, the con finnanprefentingof himfclfe ,and the Merits of hisDeath and Paf(ion , whereupon lice is cal- led q our e/ldssocate, or Spokefuran, and is faid to r ap- peare on our behalfe before the face ofGod, and to make r intercefon for vs. The word appearing, being a word taken from the Courts andSeates of Iuitice,as we vie to fay, when the Platntife or Defendant is called : Who is hereto c. ppearefor hires, ? Chrif} therefore is, as it were, our Atturney, to appease forvs before hisFather,' make mentionof theFather onely , becaufc..the Father is the lira of the threePerfons in order, who being appealed, the Sonne and holy Ghofl are allo pleated ; they all being one, of in el.fencc and nature, fo in will and agree- ment. 'Thirdly, When and how he performed this Intcrccf. fion , namely, while tl bee was vponEarth , in fo rrtsry, { fo Tweet, fo heauenly and fo ferucnt Prayers,as hepotiti-_ T d for:.h from time to time for the faluation of his E- lea,