Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. 3. of ChriPGoneratment, &c. 331 le61, efpecially that moll folemne and faucet One aboue the tell, John 17. whereinbeing anon to be offered , hee did confecrate bothhimfelfe, the onely and eternall Sa- crifice, and vs inand through him , vnto his Father : by thepower and force ofwhich his Prayer, the Churchof God path euer flood, and íháll Eland vnto the end :And what bee did then vpon the Earth, the fame hee cloth thoughnot in the fame manner, now in Heauen, not withknees bowed, and hands firetchedour, but yet in fuch fort as is fit for him to giue , and fit for his Father to receiue. Fourthly, That bee maketh Interceflïon for all theE- on the behalfe led} , and for them alone ; (not for the Reprobate and of thofe bleat. Werldlings,Iohn /7,9. Ipray notfor the World, butfor thofe whom thou haft giteen me. Fiftly,Forwhat things this Interceilïon is made. Not for fome one or few benefits, but that we may be parta- kers of all the good things that hebath wrought; Faith or Vocation, Vnion with himfèlfe,that is to fay, Regem neration,RighteoufiieffcandSan&ification through him, Conflancie and Perfeuerance in the elateof Grace, and finally, eternall Happineffe : for all thefe parts are parti- cularly fet downs, Iohn 17. as namely Verte 2o. 21. I pray for allthat are to beleeuein me by their Minifierie,that allmay be one, as thou, Father, inme, and 1 in thee : So,that they alfo maybe one with vs, that theWorld may belesne that thou haft foot mee. Verfe 17. Santbfie them by thy Truth. Verfe t I. HolyFather, keepe them in thy Name. Verle r 5 Ipraynot,that thou take themout of-the World,b«t that thou keepe themfrom the mill one. Verfc r 3. T hat they may haste my ioy fulfilled in them. Verfe 24. Righteous Fatber,whom thou ha itgiuen vntomc,! de/ire, that where 1 am, there they alfo may bee , that they may beholdmyGlorie which thon haft giuen me. And,Verfe z6.7-bat the lone wherewith thanhaft huedme, may be upon them. So bee Both exprcffe the In- Y ter-