Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

3 31 Heb.9.a4, u Rom.8.34, x Heb.7.25. y. Xom,8.26. The ficondBookeofDiuinitie, CHAP. 3. terceffi'on bee made for l'eter,t o be, That his faithfhould not farle, Lukc22.32. Interceiiion therefore of our Sauiour Chritl, is, as it were, a continuali plaiticr for the cueingof the manifold flips, frailties, and fins, whereunto the faithfull,through infirrnitie, doe continually fall, that fo by a fpeciall and continual) application ofhis Merit, our Ferfonsmay re-. mayne iuf},and our works acceptable toGod,i,loh.2.I. ¡fany manfanne, we haue an Aduocate. &c. %Sixtly That as in his hutnanitie hee defreth all thefe things for our faluation, and the applying; of his Merits andDeath vnto vs : fo by thr,power of his Deitie bee Both indeed apply them : whereunto hib being in t Hea- uen, and in the fight of God, his ti fitting at the right hand ofhis Father, and his x ewer-liuing.doemuch auaile,ma,- lciñg that Interce{lionof his, as in it f:1fe more glorious, fo for vs more gracious and acceptable, and able perfeEl- ly to false them that come to God by him,, Seúentl;ly That '1 making Interceflion for vs , bee.. ecacheth vs alfo by his Spirit to make Interceffi,on to God , with prayers , fights and grones that cannot bee exprelfed. Suchis the Prie$-hood of Chrift: his Kingdome followeth. CHAP. III. Of Chri.lhggouernment of the World in,_ generell. Fier the Prick-hood of Chrift , next fel., loweth his Kingdottle ,. which is nay- where fpoken of in. the Scriptures , and mol} honourable and glorious Prorniff s made, Efäy 9. verle 7. e./1 Child 'hall bee borne veto vs., and a Sonne giuen to vs, upon whofe