Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.3. of Curifits Gouc'rnment, &c. 333 vhafe fhcnlder the Dominion /hall lye, Efay 32 .1 . Beheld, Kingfled ratgne in Righteosifneffe. And Icr. 23.5. A King ¡ all raigne andprefer. Generally, in his Kingdome, I obferue tbrec things : Firfl A calling of Chrifl by God his Father to it : for as bee intruded not himfelfe into the Office of a Priell, but expeéed the cllingof his Father : fo hee woke not upon him to raigne , before hee had a Kingdome giuen him. Therefore PP/me 2,.6. God is brought in,faying, 1 haste appointed my King over Sion my holy Hill. And Dan.2. 44. it is Paid, In thofe dale:(ball the god of Hea- ven raifevp a Kingdome. So Luk.i.32.thc Angel telleth MAR I E,Tbe Lord fhall giue tinto him the Throne of hid Father DA V I D. And PET E R. z Hire bath God made both Lord and aril!. Secondiy,The inueflingof him into the Princely Ho. Hour and Adminiftrtion of his Kingdome, whereof he had full feizin and NA as put into the aCluall and reali po%fhion of it, when he afcencled into Heauen, which a man may call his going vp unto his Coronation. Da- niel a in his feuenth Chapter hath a notable def-_ription of it, feeing In a Vifion, Cilrifl , God andMan , corn- mingout of Heauen into the lowrr parts of the Earth, to woke the myflerie of our Redemption ; and, that done, afcending into Heauen to the Ancient of dayes (God his Father) to prefent himfelfe before him. And to him, faith lice, was given Dominion, Glorie, and a King- dome. Thirdly, The fruit andend ofall this,the fame where- unto the whole worke of his Mediation tendeth, which is our b Peace and Reconciliati&I v i;th God , in and through him :Therefore he is calledThe e Princeof Peace 4 a The King ofRighteoufnefe,and,TheKing ofPeace,figs- redbyMELCHISEDECH King of Shaer». And hrre- vpon the e Apofl(e f {i. h , T,,: t the Kingd, me of God is Righteotsfnef Peace, and Joy in the Holy Gho i. Y 2 More Kingdomc,; z Ath 2.36. a Dan.7.13.14. is in the things which h: loth romGod for rho Elea: bhe%,t6. c Clay J heb.7. z, e Kom,tq.17,