Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

334 TheKingdome of Chrift bath twoparts. i..',Cb.T.3. The fecondBooke ofDillinitie, C It A P. 3 . More fpecially to treat of this his Kingdome ; It par- teth it felfe into three n ayne Armes or Branches, rifing by fo many flops or flayres ; one is his Gouerument of the World in generali , taking things in fuch fort as the Fall did leaue thcrn,without vouchfafing any further fa- uour. And this may bee called the footfloole of his Kingdome. Another flandeth in the beflolA ing of his. Word, and the fruits thereof, matters of fpeciall grace, though fuch as fall vpon the Reprobate : and- this may be called the Scepterof hisKingdome. The third , Is the gluingofhis Spirit ; whereby, of carnall,he maketh vs fpiritu all and heauenly Creatures : and this maybe called the Seate and Throne ,.or rather the Life and Power of his Kingdome : as theee three parts arc fo di flinguifhed,and in the fame order,Pfa,93, The fief} words of which Pfalme in a holy triumph, and reioycing-wife expref e the generall argument, that lebouab , which is Chrifl our Lord , raigneth, and not raigneth onely, but hash his Raigne accompanied with tvvoNoble Adiuna3 ; glorie andPower. Then hee cOm- meth to diflinguifh the parts ; FirI+, his Gouernment of the World , confidered in two degrees : One , the flay and fufientation of all things, the farne which the f A- poflle fo highlymagnifieth to the Hebrew; : for where- as Adami finne had turned vpfide downe the whole frame of Nature, and, according to thecurie, What day thane4tef of theforbiddenfruit thou, halt certainlydye, had brought man and all the Creatures,for mans fake, to vttcrruine and defolation, Chrifl the Mediator ileppeth forth, and there beginneth his Kingdome, in holdingvp the World, which otherwife had inflantly come to no- t' ing.This you haue in the latter end of the firfl Verfe The inhabitedWorldùfettled, itfhallnot beremoued. And that fo wonderfull a thing as this, a worke of Inch admiration, might haue a reafon futable, to make it not feerne orange, the Prophet telleth vs , that Hee, which