Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F. 3. Of Chrifis Gouernrrtent,& c. which vpon Aetims fall began his Mediation, had a Be- ing long before, and together with his Father and holy Spirit weilded a greater Scepter , being the Lord and Creatour ofAdams felfe , and of the wholeWorld be- ll des, and the great King, out of whole Throne proceed . thole euerlaaing counfels,that rule andmoderate what- foeuer is or (hall bee, Thy Throne is efiabliJhedbeforeany time : thouart from euerlaffing. The other degree is in the taming,and bringing down of the proud enemies o! his Kingdome, 4t hole rage and furie he compareth with the loud no,fe of 'nightie wa- ters, when the wanes and furgesof the Sea arife :Chrias Dominion, that fitreth aloft, as Lord Paramount, with the Riflingand ouer- ruling of them. Then followeth the fecond mayne Arme and Branch of his Kingdome, in the Scepterofhis Word : Thy tefli- monies areexceeding true. And lalily, the euerlaflingRighteoufneffe, which, by the Spirit of SanaiUcation, hce befloweth vpon his Church : In thyRo l f e it comelyholinefe, O I E H o v A H, for euermere. The firfi ofthefe is properlycalled his Tudica' ure , or Office of a Iudge : the fecond is his Prophetical! Office the third is wont by excellencie to bee called The King- dome : All moil glorious and noble effe&s of his Afcen- Coninto Heauen, and fitting at the right hand of God, as the Apofile tellct h vs, Ephef4,8. Afcending cmhigh,be led captinitie captine: (whereby hemeaneth the abfòlute power giuenvetohim for the gouernment of the world, feene fpecially in the of the proud enemies of the Church. And gauegifts vnte men : which g by and byhec interpreted) to bee as much as to fill all things, that is, the. whole body of his Church, and all the parts of it, with the varictie ofhis Graces.Not that Chrif} had not thisexcellencie , or didnot raigne at all before his Afcenfion into Heauen : for hkathaniel tel- . y 3 leth 335 g yeti t4. h ,iohn 1.49