Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

336 The recond Booke ofDiidijutie, C II P. 3. ; Io); 18.37. One whereby bee goucrneth all theWorld according to their ownc n:- ture, fince the fall. k ltvcb. i. loth him, Thouart the King of lfrael. And i he himfelfe, when Pilate asked, art thou a King ? anfwereth Thou fayefl true : for I am a King. But the full and reali maní_ fellation of this Kingdome , inhis flefh orhumane na- ture, did then fitf} begin. Toprofecute now thefe parts in filch order, as wee did propound them. The firf} is that , which extendeth generally to all the Wotld, and to the whole gouernment, and adminif}rati- on of it , which hee himfelfe is wont to call his Iudge- fhip, or Office of iudging, John 5.27. He bath listenwoo bim dignitie to execute lodgement, .0 he is the Sonneof man. And, ¡ohm 5.2 a. TheFather iudgethno man, but bathgi.. Henall iudgement to the Sonne; where that it may appearc how large his Power in this behalte extendeth , hee cal- leth it all judgement. Agreeable whereunto is that of the Apeale, Heb. 1.3. where hee is Paid tofuflayne all things by thepower of his. Word. Therefore, lohn 5.t7.he makes this generali proclamation,eil?,y Father norketh hitherto, and I works, vt ithout reflrainr of time or place, or ofthe fubieit or perfons towards whom it is wrought. God therefore , who before gouerned immediately and by himfelfe, bath , euer fince the fill of Adam,appointed Chrif} his Vicegerent,and Lieutenant generall,in whole perfon lice vt ould afterwards rule the World : Not that himfelfe fitteth idle in heauen,as lofephi matter did,when heehad committedvnto lofeph the adminiflratiori of his houle : but being in him, and with him,and working all things by and through Chrif}, who againe vfeth to that end, betide his Spirit, and the power of his Word, the feruice alto and the miniflerie of his holy Angels all which is figuredbymany excellent & goodly fimilitudesm in the vifion of k Ez.echiel, where the foure liuing Crea- tures reprefenting the innumerable companyof Angels, whole minif }erie extendeth vnto all the foure parts of the Earth,. haue vnder theirfeet.foure whecles; noting the